Morning, October 31

Oct 31, 2009 10:43

[cheerful singing]

--ogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please~

Whether we be old and bald or young with scabby knees!

Our heads could do with filling with some interesting stuff …

My my, this place is interesting. I do believe I’ve never seen bees so large before! I wonder if there’s somewhere near we may get a cup of tea … ( Read more... )

albus has a sweet tooth, albus is cheerful, grand adventure, so does fawkes

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konatamer October 31 2009, 04:38:19 UTC

Has Yggdrasil started reading Harry Potter doujin, too!? Please tell me that he's at least keeping out of the Harry x Draco or Everyone x Snape-


apwbbumblebee October 31 2009, 05:05:07 UTC
Hullo there! May I take it I'm fictional where you're from, as with Miss Norstein? My my, all these interesting new universes to explore ... so to speak.


konatamer October 31 2009, 05:09:00 UTC
Ah, yeah, that's basically it! As expected of Dumbledore- you already understand~!


apwbbumblebee October 31 2009, 05:17:29 UTC
Wonderful! What might your name be?


konatamer October 31 2009, 05:20:07 UTC
Konata Izumi, Level 11 Schoolgirl Otaku. Nice to meet you! - ah, you just got here, right?


apwbbumblebee November 1 2009, 01:45:29 UTC
A pleasure on my part also, Miss Izumi. I am indeed a new arrival ... and quite a delightful place I seem to have landed in, as well. Royal Base, I believe it is called.

Alas, I don't seem to have a map ...


konatamer November 1 2009, 05:12:36 UTC
Well, if you're at Royal Base, then you're in pretty good hands already. Everyone there's pretty friendly, so if you get lost, don't be afraid to ask for directions! I think.


apwbbumblebee November 2 2009, 00:09:11 UTC
Yes, the young woman I spoke to was very accommodating, and judging by the outside I think I shall find this a very interesting place indeed! And you're quite right, of course; I should see about exploring this area before thinking about the world at large. There's no point in getting ahead of myself, now!


konatamer November 2 2009, 00:34:51 UTC
... if you're thinking about exploring the world at large, it's probably better to stick with the cities first. The big patches of wilderness can get kinda hairy for low-level adventurers.


apwbbumblebee November 8 2009, 00:25:08 UTC
Oh, undoubtedly. *twinkling* Would you happen to be speaking from experience, Miss Izumi?


konatamer November 8 2009, 06:02:31 UTC
It's common knowledge for anyone who's ever played an RPG, an MMORPG, or a combination of the two. Leveling up's important, y'know.


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