Marking a historic moment

Jan 29, 2005 12:43

Ladies and gentlemen:

I just want to take a few minutes here to post my sentiments on tomorrow's election in Iraq: The country's first genuine, unstaged election in 75 years.

When I read about Iraqis who plan to vote in upwards of 80 percent of the populace, and of their determination to vote, regardless of the threat from terrorists who want to murder anyone who dare express democracy, I cant help but think that the Iraqis themselves are heroic. That they would risk their lives to participate in free government is one of the most admirable things a person can do.

But, also, when I read about the constant pessimism and attacks on the mission our troops are involved in, I cannot help but think how small and petty the critics are. It appears to me that the only thing some members of the media and some politicians are interested in is damaging the White House politically. They do nothing to help the mission, and, if anything, send our troops the message that this war is unwinnable and we might as well concede defeat. That makes me very angry; but after all this time of them hammering the same message, I almost expect them to root for America's defeat.

Perhaps this is why they keep losing elections. But anyway.

We are involved in a historic mission to bring democracy to Iraq. Think about that for a moment: A country, which, for the last 30 years, has been ridden with war, poverty, and misery, under Saddam Hussein. Under a Dictator who used the country's vast oil wealth to enrich himself and his henchmen,  the people suffered. This terrible lifestyle, combined with anti-western and anti-Semitic Propaganda, served to make the country a breeding ground for terrorism, and war. A country whose President sent Chemical weapons to its own population, and paid suicide bombers to go to Israel, and looked the other way as terrorists trained and dealt with members of his own government. And, last but not least, a country that spent billions of dollars developing Weapons of Mass destruction, which it used on Kurds, Iranians, and could have easily passed to terrorists to send to Israel, our allies, or even the US itself. Now, after years of "containing" that threat, we are finally dealing with it. And the hope for Democracy in Iraq serves to change the dynamic of the region. Reformers in other countries will have every reason to be emboldened. Reform movements will gain new legitimacy. And, ordinary people will begin to make demands, which their governments most definitely will not want to hear. And they can do all of those things knowing that the United States will stand with them, and not undermine them for our own convenience.

You know, perhaps one of the most interesting things about the last 4 years is the huge sea change in our policy. For many years, a lot of people would complain about our policy actually helping dictators stay in power for our convenience. And, it is true that we did that more often than we should have. However, under President George Bush, it isnt going to be that way anymore. Now, we stand with reformers, who understand that Democracies do not attack each other. More importantly, reformers who understand that free societies do not breed terrorism. Why? Because when the people have rights, they are able to express grievances, and do not have to use violence to achieve their goals: They can use the ballot box.

None of this would be possible without the efforts of our President. 4 years ago, did anyone think that Afghanistan or Iraq would be having free elections? No, of course not. We were far too focused on keeping the status quo, and allowing dictators to reign unchallenged. Our President decided to deal with these problems. And now, for the first time, the middle east can change from a terrorist breeding ground, to a free society.

It really is a historic time in the world, and whatever happens tomorrow, I know we will have done the right thing in giving those people a chance to start over, and live free.

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