Nov 21, 2006 01:42
Don't you hate when someone asks you for advice and then doesn't listen? I swear it is the most frustrating thing. After discussing with one of my friends (for quite awhile, I might add) the fact that the guy she's seeing is not attentive enough, I suggested that she back off a little bit. Not ignore him per se, but not ALWAYS be available at the drop of a hat. If a girl answers the phone every single time a guy calls, or drops her plans to see him whenever he decides he has time for her...she's not going to get treated well because he knows he "has" her, regardless. Guys don't respect that. And it's not game playing, it's called having a life in which he does not always come first (sometimes, but not always). So, I suggested: when he calls next time, don't answer. Don't let him think he's more important than any and every other thing in your life, that you're never doing anything that can't be interrupted for his phone call. And, it worked. After waiting until she was finished with what she had been doing, she then called him back. And he was actually worried that something was wrong, because for ONCE she didn't answer as soon as he called. The fact that that would cause worry is not good! He shouldn't be that used to being able to get her at any time. He actually sounded surprised she simply chose to do something else rather than talk to him. So, mission accomplished, or so I thought. Until he told her he was out somewhere and asked if she would be able to talk later on. She said yes and then dutifully answered when he called back. Back to having her wait around on him again. Sigh.
On the bright side, after that - I am rather happy to not currently be dealing with such BS myself. :)