Annoying people!

Oct 13, 2006 14:23

Seriously, how hard is it to take "no" for an answer?

Last night, at pool, I had been playing with Amber when she decided to leave, so I continued the game by myself, just for practice. Guy at the table next to me (who was already playing with another guy), asked me if I want to play the winner of his game. I said no thanks, I just want to practice. Guy repeated question several times at various points throughout my game. I finished the game and start another one. Guy then stopped asking, and just TOLD me, "It's your shot honey." I was about ready to punch him at this point. But it wasn't worth hurting my hand over, and I was getting ready to leave anyway, so I just told him no again and ignored him after that. Now, I am typically very understanding of stupid drunk people, cause I've been one of them, but I also typically only annoy my own friends, not random strangers, lol.

Today, I answered the phone at work, and it was (yet again) the Baltimore Sun guy, trying to sell us the newspaper. Our conversation...

Him: I'm from the Baltimore Sun...(blah blah blah).
Me: I'm sorry, this is a business.
Him: I know. Are you interested in...(blah blah blah).
Me: No thank you.
Him: Are you authorized to make these types of decisions?
Me (pissed off now): Yes.
Him: Are you sure? Let me talk to your boss.
Me: She's busy right now.
Him: What's her name?
Me: She's busy right now.
Him: I'll wait.
Me: I can take a message.
Him: I'll wait...(blah blah blah).
Me: CLICK (phone hanging up)!

I was very tempted to just put him on hold and let him fucking wait, but 1) it would've tied up our phone line and 2) I kind of wonder if they get credit for keeping people on the phone for longer. Seems like I heard that somewhere, and why else would he be annoying as hell and keep talking when I was obviously pissed off? And ask to be on hold to just sit there? That attitude definitely wasn't going to convince me to buy the paper, even if there was the slightest chance to start with that I would've. Again, I typically try to be nice, because I know salespeople are just doing their jobs, and I'm thankful I've never had to do that type of work. But their job is to sell papers, not be assholes! Sheesh.

I am so ready to go home and take a nap...
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