Apr 19, 2004 20:31
I have noticed that the people on LiveJournal, or at least the people I know on LiveJournal, are not such great music enthusists(sp?) like I am. There is nothing wrong with having your own opinion of music, but I feel that many people do not have a broad enough knowledge of music. Most people I know listen to either one type of music exclusively, or they listen to a wide range of popular stuff. There is a whole lot of music out there that's important and influential that was never on MTV and was never played on the radio that people just don't know about, and I find that very sad. I'm the only person I know who actually takes the time to try and broaden my range of music. Everyone else just soaks up MTV, and it's really pathetic. Crap on MTV is made to make money, and that's it, it's all pre packaged to sound perfect by spending millions of dollars, and by the end computer's and machines have more of an input that the actual band does. My favorite example of an influential album like this is Husker Du's Zen Arcade, which is number 20 something on my list. It's an album that broadened hardcore, much like London Calling broadened punk and Sgt. Pepper's broadened rock music in general. It helped start emo (which used to be good) and it basically laid the groundwork for the popular form of alternative that Nirvana fucked up and turned into a mainstreamed genre that labels copied over and over again. But the point is, without it, none of your Nirvanas or Smashing Pumpkins or any of your MTV alternative gods would exist. So, if you want to criticize my taste in music or my infactuation with it or whatever, be able to back it up, cause I sure can.