ramble n stuff

Jun 04, 2009 00:19

I am find it odd to be sitting here on a Wednesday night, with a sleeping baby on one side of me and a sleeping husband on the other. And I'm very happy today... it's been a good few days recently...

I had a great evening, mostly because curlymarie is a wonderful chef and hostess... I got out of work a little early, after a good day - I spent the morning showing analytic stuff to an analyst from a member company (customer), followed by pizza for lunch (courtesy of work since I was taking the analyst out to eat) and a productive afternoon of finishing projects. The dog was good in the car (he freaks out sometimes and gets really annoyed), and the baby was asleep when I picked him up at daycare. It was really easy to scoot on over to curlymarie's pad, where she made a really nice chicken dinner with corn on the cob and a spinach salad. We watched the season finale of "Castle", and I actually got to eat before the food got entirely cold (baby likes to fuss and fidget when I try to eat... so thankfully she held him for me a few times so I could finish). The evening was topped off with DELICIOUS strawberries - fresh ones stuffed with chocolate and then baked to ultra-yumminess. Kenny even got to taste some strawberry juice (I put a tiny drop on his little tongue)

We also had a great weekend this past weekend, as we took Kenny to the Mystic Aquarium to see the fishies. He loved the fish. He HATED being tired. There was crying - broken up by periods of awe in which he forgot he was tired and mad at the world. Even a few trailing off "waah"'s as the fish distracted him from his fussing. When the fish didn't entertain enough to stop the fussing, we put him in the stroller and he was asleep in less than 10 feet (like 3 or 4 steps and there was silence...) He slept soundly while we saw the remaining parts of the aquarium (unfortunately they are renovating the penguin area, so we didn't get to see much of them (just two playing in an empty room with one glass wall we could see in from... mostly they were staring at pictures of other penguins and splashing in the water from a hose...).

I'm looking forward to bringing Kenny back there in the future, when he's not teething and in pain (yes, the poor baby was cranky AND teething... so I don't really blame him for the fussing...) - or at least when I'm better able to sooth him.

Oh yeah! and another good thing is the rows of little plants springing up in the garden (along with some weeds I'll have to take care of later on) - i've still got to make up the mounds and plant the cucumbers and zuchinni, but the salad greens and peas are starting to come up, and possibly the radishes... Yey! Hopefully i'll get a little time to weed, get those last few things planted, and perhaps even plant the annual and perennial flowers i got for around the lamppost and next to the driveway.

Anyway, figured I needed to update sometime... man... I'm having trouble keeping up with the facebook, LJ, flickr, etc... Little Kenny has so many things I want to document... i'm still like 50 pictures behind in uploading to Flickr, I've only printed out pictures from his first month for the baby book and his scrapbook, and god knows what else I'm behind in documenting... Oh yeah.. we still haven't printed and sent out the birth announcement we made up... BAH!

I even have tomorrow off (i took the whole day because the babysitter/daycare provider is having new carpet put in the daycare area, so she's closed for the morning...), and my time is already booked up with getting an oil change in Drew's car, going grocery shopping, and taking care of Kenny... *sigh*...

mundane crap, ramble, visits, kenneth, mystic aquarium, garden

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