As if Tattoos and body peircings weren't enough...

Apr 24, 2006 10:39

Not sure if the following links are hype or scare tactics... but the Univ. of Texas produced a report "linking" tattoos and Hepatitis C. (and Hep. C and: introveinus drug use, and some hospital jobs (if you're male), and other stuff). The document requires an account to actually read, so I couldn't go read the source document, but here are some links talking about the issue...

Catching Hepatitis C from Tattoos and Body Piercings

Article on the Univ. Texas report.

From the articles that led me to these, it seems that this should be read as a "statistical association" vice cause/effect as far as Hep. C is concerned. (the first link mentions HIV and Hep. B - not sure where they get that concern since it wasn't mentioned in that study by Univ. Texas. summaries I saw).

As if being a wringly old granny with a flabby unicorn or rose wasn't reason enough for me to not get a tattoo... and infections that kill you reason enough to not get a belly button ring...

piercings, tattoos, random questionable study, disease

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