already equipped

Sep 27, 2012 21:18

Title: already equipped
Rating: i for idefk
Length: ~1600 words
Pairing: luhan/kris

kris remembers exactly when the first time he wanted to kiss luhan was. he was eighteen and perpetually horny and had just finished playing a game of football with the other trainees. he was jerking off in the dorm shower when he flashed back to the memory of luhan’s body pressing against him as they both fought for the ball. he came hard and fast, bracing himself against the shower wall to keep from falling over.

he was prepared to file it away as just another strange shower fantasy and to forget it ever happened. but when he saw luhan the next day, all he could think about is how much he wanted to kiss him. the wanting never goes away, not that day or the next or any days following that, and after a while kris realizes that he needs to reassess a few things about himself.


things become harder after they debut, when luhan is always right there with his surprisingly muscular body and bright smiles. luckily kris has the responsibility of leadership to distract him from exactly how much he would like to kiss luhan. they are all awkward and nervous and kris has to spend most of his time focused on what to say in the next interview or do in the next show. and so he restricts his thoughts about luhan to when he’s in the shower, frantically jerking off in the ten minutes that he’s allotted for it every morning.

it doesn’t help that luhan is such a physical person, rubbing shoulders, throwing arms around waist, tickling backs. the only thing that saves kris from being in a constant state of arousal is their standing order and even that isn’t enough when luhan takes every opportunity off-stage to shove his way into kris’ personal space.


kris knows that luhan isn’t exactly comfortable with his own appearance.

“i’m manly and handsome” he says whenever anyone mentions his physical appearance. he dislikes being called pretty and he hates being treated like he’s weak.

kris doesn’t really understand how anyone can think of luhan as anything other than strong. not when luhan pushes playfully against him and kris almost falls over from his strength. not when luhan strips down to an undershirt and kris watches the muscles in his arms ripple as he dances. not when everyone is exhausted and luhan keeps them all going with stupid jokes and bright laughter.

he’s definitely not weak and kris loves it, gets insanely aroused every time luhan elbows him and it hurts and every time luhan digs fingers into his arm and pulls him along. kris is tall and big and there’s a small part of him that thrills at the feeling of being pushed around so easily.


“i’m not a girl” kris hears as he enters the living room.

“i know?” kris says and luhan’s eyes snap over to him from where he’s pacing across the room

“they said i’m pretty” he says, waving a hand vaguely toward where his computer is sitting on the coffee table.

“just ignore him” jongdae adds from the couch “he’s been like this for like 15 minutes”

“because i’m not a girl” luhan hisses at him, eyes darting back over to kris for a brief moment.

kris likes luhan like this, cheeks flushed from annoyance, lips pouting slightly. not that he’s looking at luhan’s lips. he needs to be going over the questions for their next interview. he can’t be looking at luhan’s lips and thinking about how badly he’d like to taste them.

“not a girl” he agrees, voice strained slightly.

luhan stares at him with a weird expression.

“i need to go. leader duties” kris says and flees back to his room.


“you’re staring” luhan says

kris jerks his eyes away. it has been a long day and he’s tired. it’s always harder to look away from luhan when they’ve had a long day. luhan always sprawls lazily on the couch, throwing his limbs everywhere, leaning against kris or digging a knee into his thigh and just being generally present. kris loves it and hates it, feeling the heat of luhan’s body against him and trying not to get too excited by it.

“sorry. your face is distracting”

another reason kris hates long days is that he always says dumb things when he’s tired.

luhan scowls slightly

“i’m not a girl. don’t stare at my face.”

kris’ heart speeds nervously in his chest. he’s always afraid of things like this, that he’ll say or do something to give himself away. luhan doesn’t need to know how appealing he looks to kris right now, loose shirt hanging off one shoulder, collarbones and muscled shoulder on display.

“i know” kris says, smiling in a hopefully non-awkward way “you’re manly and handsome”

for the briefest second, kris thinks luhan looks like he might cry but his face immediately clears and kris thinks that he must have been mistaken.

“that’s right” luhan says with a laugh “manly and handsome. don’t forget”


they’ve just returned from thailand. the crowd at the airport had been too big and aggressive and luhan had fallen over. kris is really annoyed about it.

kris turns around to look at luhan, sitting across the van.

“you need to be careful” he tells luhan, voice soft with concern

“i’m not a girl” luhan snaps.

he’s glaring at kris, clearly annoyed. kris isn’t sure if he’s mad about being pushed over or mad at kris for caring. probably both.

“i know” kris replies, rolling his eyes “i’m just concerned. things were crazy today”

“don’t worry about me” luhan says and turns away to glare out the window.

the rest of the van ride is silent and awkward.


they’re all eating breakfast together. kris isn’t really paying attention to the conversation, staring down at his plate, still half-asleep

“hey kris” tao says, catching kris’ attention “which of us would you date if we were girls?”

“luhan” he says immediately and without thinking. after a moment his brain catches up with his mouth and he wants to smack his head down against the table for being so dumb.

luhan glares at him from across the table while everyone else laughs.

“i’m not a girl” luhan snaps, pushing his chair back from the table and getting up.

“we know” yixing says soothingly but luhan doesn’t seem to hear him as he gathers his plate and dumps it in the sink.

he stomps out of the room as everyone stares after him.

“he really needs to get over this complex” jongdae says

“it’s my fault” kris says with a sigh as he gets up from the table. he’s still tired and hungry but he has to deal with luhan’s mood before it gets out of hand. they have a full schedule that day.

sometimes he really hates being the leader.


he doesn’t even know what luhan is annoyed about this time. they had just been watching tv while everyone else was out doing things. kris looked over at luhan on the couch and watched the way the light fell against his face and wanted. and then luhan caught his eye and snapped.

“i’m not a girl” luhan hisses, pushing hard against kris’ shoulder. kris almost topples over and he hates how hot he finds it.

“i know” kris snaps, equally annoyed “you don’t need to keep reminding me”

“then stop looking at me like you want to kiss me!”

it feels as though time freezes for kris, who stares at luhan in horror. luhan looks shocked at his own outburst.

“i’m sorry” kris says after a minute of awkward silence. it seems inadequate but no other words are coming to him.

luhan sighs and shakes his head slightly, looking everywhere but at kris.

“just stop” he says softly “i can’t deal with it anymore”

“i don’t know if i can stop” it’s harder to admit than he thought it would be.

“it’s easy” luhan replies “just remember that i have a dick”

“jesus, luhan. i know you have a fucking dick” kris snaps “i have seen your dick. i have jerked off thinking about your dick. i am fully aware that you have a dick. me wanting to kiss you is just me wanting to kiss you”

it’s awkward to admit, to actually say the words aloud that he had been thinking for so long. luhan stares at him, eyes wide.

“oh” he says, voice small “so this isn’t a sexuality crisis then?”

“maybe like 3 years ago” kris says with a sigh “now it’s just me having a thing for you”

he wants to explain further or maybe apologize but he’s cut off by luhan’s lips pressing against his.

“i thought you thought i was like a girl or something” luhan says as he pulls away

“definitely not” kris says, pulling luhan back forward to claim his lips again.

they kiss for long minutes, mouths open and tongues tangling together. kris thinks that maybe they should talk about this but luhan’s mouth is hot and wet and he tastes better than anything kris had ever imagined. as luhan shifts into his lap, their erections press together and they both groan.

“definitely not a girl” kris repeats, sliding a hand down to grab luhan’s ass and pull him closer.

he looks forward to finding out exactly how true that is.

A/N: for konnie, who deserves wonderful things

correct grammar is overrated, pg-13, kris/luhan, exo

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