Ten fics, ten words meme nicked from hambelandjemima :)

Feb 20, 2009 11:44

Write ten fics in ten genres using only ten words each.

Mine are True Blood (4), Firefly (2), Doctor Who (1), How's Moving Castle (1), Buffy (1) and ne xover. Some of them might contain slight spoilers for True Blood up until ep6.

Oh, and I used the same genres, too, I'm not sure whether I was supposed to pick my own or not.


Mal pulled the trigger and River collapsed, dead. Simon screamed.

H/C (Doctor Who)

Donna yelled untill the Doctor stopped brooding and snapped back.

UST (True Blood)

Sookie stretched, tshirt riding up. Sam watched her very carefully.

First Time (Firefly)

Inara smiled, when River said "Thank you for the demonstration".

Threesome (True Blood)

Sookie dreams and sometimes it's about both Sam and Bill.

Smut (True Blood)

Tara arched her back and made a noise. Sam smiled.

Romance (Howl's moving castle)

Howl knew Sophie was difficult to court. He loved challenges.

Friendship (true Blood)

Sometimes Tara said 'thanks', even 'please' - only to her friends.

Crack!fic (Buffy/True Blood)

Spike enjoys drinking Tru Blood in front of his victims.

Baby!fic (Buffy)

It was hilarious - Buffy unable to change a baby's diaper.

btvs fic, doctor-tw fic, firefly fic, fanfics, memes_quizzes

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