Of The Great Muse Revival

Sep 17, 2007 22:02

The Great Muse Revival Personal Ficathon, 1.

Character: Mickey Smith of "Doctor Who"
Prompt: parallel personalities
For: dark_vanessa, whose birthday I missed this year and I hope she likes this little ficlet enough not to hate me forever. :P

Thanks to wildannuette for looking this fic over. :)

When Mickey Smith first said the words, “Torchwood, we’re taking over the case”, he found himself feeling more alone than ever. He supposed he’d be smug, knowing the secrets he knew. Having the skills he gained. Using the knowledge about the alien races he learnt of. Yet Mickey suddenly missed home. Responsibility and serious work were really annoying when all he wanted to do at this particular moment was to fix the car he’d been working on right before he left with Rose and the Doctor.
In another place, Mickey Smith laughed at a show about alien abductions.
Later on he got used to being one of a kind, an imposter who would never be exactly Ricky Smith and wasn’t the Mickey he used to be. All he had was himself, even if he was the freak of Torchwood.
In another place, Mickey Smith argued with his twin brother about a girl.
As soon as the cross-world cyber wars started, he knew his and Jake’s unit will get tossed smack bang in the middle of them. For a moment he wished he could be a boring, mundane mechanic, as ordinary as he was back in the ‘old world’. Then he remembered that it wasn’t all that glorious and not necessarily safe and smiled.
In another place, Mickey Smith cursed when he realized that he’d be a few minutes late for his wedding.
Rose and Jackie’s appearance in the new world, his new home, made his old life and the new one collide once again, this time good and proper. All the ways back were shut completely and this time Mickey was positive that everything would be okay. For the first time Mickey Smith was perfectly content.
In another place... well, there’s a lot to choose from, isn’t there?

doctor-tw fic, gen fic, muse revival, challenge, fanfics

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