(no subject)

Jan 14, 2007 00:26

Taming the Muse, fic 4 in this run. Prompt Kleptomanicac ended up in a Grey's Anatomy gen fic (gasp! a gen fic? That's almost indecent on this journal! People of the world!).

Title: Kleptomaniac
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Prompt: Kleptomaniac
Warnings: Swearing. Callie swears a lot in my fic.
Rating: uh... safe for anyone who doesn't mind swearing, it even sticks to canon.
Summary: Meredith, Alex and Callie's thoughts on the nature of theft.

It’s amazing, that there are so many boundaries that we cross. ‘Mine’, ‘yours’, ‘hers’, ‘his’... They’re present everywhere and for everyone and nobody respects them anyway. We take without asking, we take without permission or an invitation. We’re thieves. We’re all thieves. Theft comes so natural to us, we don’t realize we steal more than we need to. Or how far we’re gone.


In her worst moments, in the early mornings, when Meredith gets ready to proceed with the very noble act of lying to herself, she really hates Derek. She wants to stand up, get dressed and drive all the way to his stupid, ridiculous trailer and shout at him till she’s hoarse. Meredith wants to scream out everything, only that she doesn’t have anything at all anymore. She’s strangely empty now. Right before her eyes and completely against her will, Derek took something away from her. She can’t do nothing to get it back. Thief. Bastard even has her dog now, too. Meredith reaches her hand towards the alarm clock and turns it off the moment it rings.


Callie is packing her things like he she does everything else. Randomly, with force and energy and she’s cursing loudly at it. Where the fuck are my panties? George, you fucking moron, can’t you ever clean your fucking room? Fuck! She should probably ask Meredith, she’d bet the blood sucking harpy would know where they are. Grey already took George away from her, before Callie could even get a firm grip, why not her favorite panties? It’s not like she can keep her own on for a long time. Thieving bitch.


Alex jogs, exercises, focuses on work, on the things he says, on the cases, on not letting things slip from his control. On breathing. On gossip. On drinking. On nailing easy bimbos that frequent Joe’s bar, the closest thing he has to home lately. Hell, he’s more focused on Meredith’s problems than his own. And that’s the way wants it to be. So he picks up a chart and explains to the patient that he’s fine and will be out any day now. He doesn’t look at Izzie. He beats Cristina to the best cases of freaks destined for scalpel. He doesn’t look at the way Izzie tries to get over that guy. He makes O’Malley look like an idiot every chance he gets; he shakes his head in wonder, why the hell does Bambi let himself be treated like that. He glares daggers at McBitch from Hell. He doesn’t look at Izzie, in case she looks at him and knows that nothing like this would have happened if h only hadn’t stolen and burnt their chance.


Where do we get the strength not to get tangled up? I take that you take this, they take something else. And nothing really belongs to you. Kleptomaniac society in a kleptomaniac world, even feelings can rob you of something. Whatever you want, whatever you do, it usually costs you something or someone important.

ga fic, gen fic, tamingthemuse, fanfics

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