"No, teraz będziesz mogła ich ciućkać do woli!"

Dec 28, 2006 01:11

I'm in love with my one_lill_witch. Why? Oh, there are hundreds of reasons, raging from her pretty blue eyes to her ability to disarm me in a matter of five seconds when I get riled up, but today... today, she gave me the Christmas gift.

Would you believe, that she took the time and effort to actually make marzipan and chocolate on her own, and then shaped it into.... Sam&Dean Winchester! When she gave them to me she said 'Well, now you can finally lick, suck and kiss them all you want." LOL!

*cuddles the little witch* Thank you, darling :)

ps. I'm currently munching on Dean's collarbone. Yum. I ♥ marzipan :D
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