(no subject)

Sep 18, 2006 13:17

So. I'm done with primary school. I'm sure I mentioned it before, but this has to be said again: NEVER THE HELL AGAIN. Thank you.

I'm picking up my first real salary tomorrow. *giggles* What m I going to do with it, if tomorrow happens to be the International Talk Like A Pirate Day, too? Drink up me hearties, yo ho... ;)

Film update: watched The Break Up. Fantastic movie! Funny, sad, natural, true... with a cute soundtrack and a good ending. And I mean 'good' as in 'well done', not 'classic happy end with a sunset and a romantic kiss'. Go watch it!

Watched Out Of Sight. I never expected to actually enjoy a Jennifer Lopez and George Clooney film. Not exactly worth a 'squee' but pretty cute anyway.

Book update: read 'Eva Luna' by Isabel Allende. Hmmm... odd book. I liked it, I always like Scheherazade-like type of stories, and this one has some interesting characters. But there's something about it that... well, that's just it, it lacks that thing that takes my breath away and makes me love books more.

Now I'm reading 'Sexing the cherry' by Jeanette Winterson and Angela Carter's 'Bloody chamber'. So far I like them.

And one fic rec. It's a Firefly slash story, but that's not the point. Slash is actually the least important thing here. This one actually has one of the cutest scenes in the history of fanfics. Can you imagine Kaylee holding a puppy? Can you imagine the Simon running after a puppy? Can you imagine 36, cute, small, fluffy pups on Serenity?

See what I mean? :P I's called Dangerous cargo and it made me go 'aww' and 'squee' more times than I any other story I remember. Plus, it's Mal/Simon. I can't really not like that, it's stronger than me.

Besides, why would I read canon if it's already in the show? And I actually liked Mal/Inara almost-romance, just the way it was shown. I didn't like Simon/Kaylee, but that's a whole different thing, it's just that they fit together like a hunchback to a wall.

Except Wash/Zoe fics. Hit me with them. One of the few canon things I'd love to read.

recs, books

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