Musings from the Skeptical Romantic

Feb 14, 2011 01:53


Rotfl let us celebrate the deaths of a handful of Catholic martyrs together by consuming mass quantities of chocolate and spending hundreds of million of dollars on flowers that will wilt and die within a week! Well the chocolate eating I can get behind. Just not the wasting of hard earned money on flowers. Buy me a gas card. Or give me the $20-90+ dollars, that you would have spent on a bouquet/floral arrangement, in an envelope instead. OR BUY ME A ROSE BUSH/SAPLING OF SOME SORT TO PLANT IN MY YARD AND LOVE FOREVER.

Now, in case you're already thinking it, let me state that:

I, aproposnothing,

Being of sound mind and body, do not hate Valentine's day.

I simply think that people can get a little more creative if they're going to celebrate the holiday at all, y'know? And that if you're paying something other than monopoly money for flowers that I can't plant in my garden, I will probably dump you for being ridiculous. Seriously.

This mini-(not quite)rant leads me to the Question of the day: Am I mean for (nicely) declining a date with an okay guy (that is markedly NOT my significant other) on Valentine's day because I felt like he was more interested in having dinner with a Valentine(read: not being the only one of his guy friends without a girl on February 14th) than having dinner with me? Because I feel like I should probably feel bad, only I really don't.

Please be honest. Brutally so if need be. Am I a cruel, heartless harpy? Or do you think my actions are justifiable?

Fic type things:

I've only written one thing over the past four/five days and it is a comment fic in response to a post over on the lovely jim_and_bones community. It's rated NC-17 and is rather schmoopy :)

Couches Are Good For One Thing

Hugs, Kisses and ♥ on this lovely Monday/Valentines day :)

i'm the most ridiculous person i know, life is full of ..., james t. kirk/captain fine, nc-17

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