Real Genius

Nov 12, 2009 17:12

Oh tis the season,
to forgo all reason.

Once upon a rhyme, when I had the time, and the money
to give two damns about you hunny.

But I don't.

I like how people from my past like to try to bash me.
How the multitudes of people who I could never have cared less about subconsciously strive to please me.
Or rather to live their lives in accordance with how They think I would approve of.
No, You are not my greatest work. Sorry to break it to you.
You were just as you said, A game, A toy, A meaningless plaything they will never realize the truth.
You say you deleted so you would have no contact. When we both know that's a lie. You will keep posting your archaic little blogs knowing that I'm the only person who even knows they exist.
so inherently you wish contact.

The next cow who fell for it.. Was the girl tha I left you for in the first place all those years ago.
And YOU never understood you were a game.


you were a piece, I won't say a pawn, because you were necessary. but you did play your part with mindless perfection. and if for one moment you think that I regret or feel guilt for you. you are horribly wrong.
You served a purpose, which has finally payed off. Took some time mind you. but it paid off.

I'll let you assume I'm still living in my parents basement, free loading.
when in reality I have been the most self sufficiant person you have ever known. that you're too stupid to realize that is one of your main faults. You have a way of rewriting history to play things out to make you into a victim.
You were never a victim, martyr or anything else worthy of praise or congratulations.
You were a meaningless, mindless, pathetic excuse of a ploy.

Now please. Give it up and stop begging for my attention, because this is the last of it you will receive.
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