Tell me what you know about Dreamin

Apr 01, 2010 22:46

Let's talk about dreams.
We all have them every night, some of us remember them some of us do not.
I usually find myself in the latter category. I rarely remembered my dreams, and if i ever did they were ALWAYS in shades of gray, and there was never anything really tangible or recognizeable. There were a few exceptions but Very very few.

And the day i saw shannons mom, That night, and almost every night since i've had a re-occuring dream, in Vivid detail, color and all. I can remember it fairly well now. it's sort of strange going to bed, and knowing what you're going to dream about.

This brings up the question to me, Do dreams have any meaning? or are they the random firings of neurons and releases of DMT. I've always thought that dreams had a very real significance to life. I think that dreams are a way of our ultra subconscious mind to sift through the tons and tons of information we blast it with, and it responds by giving us dreams, a ultra intense mind blowing response to what we present it. Sleep studies recently have shows that DMT a super potent hallucinigen is secreted within the brain during the times of Rem that corelate to when dreams actually happen, this "dream drug" can be synthasized from most plant and animal species. what it does is still un known but it's potency is many many times greater then that of peote or LSD the two formerly most powerful psychadelic drugs. the ammoung you would take to "get fucked up" off of the synthasised drug is aproxamtly one thousandth of the ammouth that your brain produces during sleep.

So this tell me that when you're dreaming your brain is running on extream overdrive. you are having an INTENSE psychadelic trip, and all your conscious mind can comprehend of that trip, is what forms what you can remember of your dreams. it's guessed that the "trip" of dreaming is soo intense that sleep was the evolded method of protecting our conscious mind from it.

This being said, I strongly believe that dreams can be accuratly "transalted" now i'm not saying that EVERy dream is a warning of impending doom, or whatever. I am saying however,m that if you're having the same dream over and over and you can remember it, and it is very detailed.. in that case you need to write it down and look at it and try to descern what your mind is trying to tell you. and you would really be surpised. I think that if you're having a dream, that YOU are the one mest equiped to interpret it, because it's YOUr mind, trying to tell YOu something, so the symbols and motif's in the dream will be almost unique to the person having the dream due to our differing preception of reality from person to person.

for instance having a dream in which you are killed by a mirror image of yourself could be interpreted many many ways, but i think that the first impression of the dream, i think that that is what you're supposed to get out of it. like if you had that dream, and your first thought was, that seems like i'm my own worst enemy, I need to make sure that what I'm doing is really getting me where i would like to go. Then THATS what it means. Now some dreams are not nearly this simplistic of course, most are thousands of times more complex, and it can take some time to get it right, or even to remember it correctly.

I dream that it's like zombiland, and I'm driving my jeep from boone to the coast to try and find a boat.. As I'm driving down the mountians i see hickory, denver, and mooresville as ghost towns, vacant,m no signs of life. Going further down 16 driving through denver I see my friends, people from high school, I get out and try to get them to leave with me, but they're all infected and they chase me to my dads shop. I get the guns he keeps there and make a stand in the office, and once they're all dead my friend derrek walks in, and I almost shoot him, except that he has a gun to. so him and I team up, and we use the tools and metal at my dads shop to zombi proof my jeep, huge brush guard, flame throwers, propane tank launchers.. (gotta love dreams) And when we finish and get on the roof to see if the coast is clear, we find that theres a huge horde of zombis, you can even see charlotte burning from across the lake. It's a very intense part of the dream, the fire's reflection on the lake, The zombi's rushing the shop, And me and derrek, Rebeled the fuck out, camo guns knives ect ect, back lit with sun set watching it. This image holds for a few seconds, and derrek turns to me and says "You're going in there after her arn't you?" I never respond, we just get in my jeep.

We drive to charlotte, and in the dream all I can think about is How am I going to find you, and If i did, how would i convince you to come with me. Theentire city is burning, buildings collapsing, the bank of america building tetters and crumbles in flames, Derrek and I shoot blow up or run over anything that moves. Finally we get to uncc's campus. Driving like a mad man I scramble around the campus, circleing and circleing derrek keeps telling me that its hoplless, that the whole city is a death trap, and that if i ever want to get out we have to leave now. And I know he's right, But I can't stop looking for you, We're being chased by a massive horde of zombi's by now, and this is when i notice that all the zombi's. Have my face. they're wearing ym clothes. not the same. One of them is wearing my scout uniform, one is wearing my soccer jersy, a feew are wearing wrestling singlets, others are just wearing blood stained copies of the causal clothes i wear. this sends me into a total mind fuck. I swerve to avoid hitting a Me-Zombi and plow through the wall of the cafeteria, and just like a movie there you are, hiding under a tableknocked out and bleeding, I wonder if i took too long, If it had been too late. its dark now, the fires throwing shadows all across the place, but you stick out as clearly in my eyes as a light house. The smoke is chokeing you, derrek jumps out and sets up propane tanks at the hole the jeep made. I run to you, picking you up, cradeling you in my arms i run and lay you down in the back of the jeep, pulling out my first aid kit and bind your cuts, cleaning and bandageing them, derrek runs to the drivers seat, starting the car up and yelling to hang the fuck on, He lines up a shot, and blows the propane tanks, sending the zombi's with my face scattering for an instane, he uses the opening th gun the jeep through the flaming crater int he side of the building, steering for the parking lots and hopping curbs, blowing right through bushes and fences. As we get clear of the city, you first open your eyes, you take a deep breath, like your about to say something, your mouth starts forming words, you'r about to say something. and CRash, a stalled car in the road explodes and sends the jeep rolling off the side of 77, it lands on its side and i drag you out, i check derrek and he's been killed in the wreck, grabbing a bag and throwing everythign i can inside it, guns ammo food mecidine bandadges for you, and the CD Buzz Ballads, I put in my front coat pocket, because I remember how you used to talk about how that cd was the sound track to our lives. I sling the bag over a shoulder and pick you up, carrying you and walking north trying to get out of the city, i walk for what seems like days, at least two days, and you still haven't woken up from the wreck, by now we've made it back to denver, to my parents house, I block all the doors and windows, setting more propane tanks at some spots, keeping loaded guns in every room, I keep you in my old room, up staires, the furthest away from any entry points, and I stay up, Day and night, guarding the strais and changing your bandages. Weeks turn in to months and you start showing signs of coming out of the coma, you're moving a bit, making noise your eyes even open occasionally, i remember this part the most vividly, The first time you open your eyes, and make eye contact with me this HUGE wave of emotions explodes in my head, it's almost painful, and I hear something breaking in down stairs. The zombi's are back, they still have my face, but now they're all wearing appalichian graduation robes, I hold the stairs, but there are too many, some break in from the roof at neils room, they sourround me and overtake me, the last thing I remember from the dream is your one piercing scream, and blackness.

I always wake up in a heavy cold sweat, heart jackhammering, scared to shit.

This is one of those where I know it has meaning, it wouldn't be so intense or vivid, nor would it repeat with the regularity that it has. I don't know what any of it means yet.

I've been practicing lucid meditation for about two years now, It's a from of retaining some of your consciousness while dreaming, like.. being able to controll your dreams, which is called lucid dreaming, which is amazing if you realize you're dreaming in a dream you literally become god. and this week I'm going to start trying to crack this dream. starting small, I'm going to see if I can see which badges the eagle scout Me zombi is wearing, then I'm going to see if they're the same every time I have the dream, If they are the same then that means that every time I have the dream, that it is a true 100% copy of the dream the previous night, However, because dreams are mostly left brain and even then mostly subconscious, the badges may not match dream to dream, they badges may not be real badges, they might just look like a blend of two or three badges, but there will be a pattern, either repeating, as in the copy. meaning that the dream will never change, it will just keep looping untill i've got the measage, or it no longer applies. Or the badges will NOT match up, meaning the dream is evolving and changing, which usually means that I'm on the correct path to figureing out the meanig behind it, and it's trying to give me the extra little nudge to get it.

If you still read this journal tell me if you've ever had dreams liek this (vivid and repeating, not horrific zimbi killings)
I'd like to know what you make of all this, seeing as how you're the leading actress in this story.

weird dreams zombi's truelove? friendshi

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