Dec 13, 2004 01:36
My dad and I rented a uhaul and got all of the furniture (except one small bookshelf I can put in the back of my car) out of the apartment. My room at my dad's house is still a mess, so all the furniture is piled up in the living room until I get a chance to clean it up. Unfortunately, I also have to finish packing up, moving, and cleaning my apartment by Wednesday, I have a study group for class tomorrow, and the final Tuesday. So it looks like I'll either be sleeping at my mother's or on a chair at my dad's for a few days.
In semi-related news my mother and I had a huge argument. Two days ago, out of the blue, she decides we need to talk about putting my horse to sleep. Because that's what she thinks about around fucking Christmas. Then a couple sentences in she accuses me of not caring about Belinda(my horse) anyways. And honestly that's what it probably looks like from the outside. I haven't seen my horse in over a year, and I've only seen her about once a year since she retired. I just felt so betrayed that she wouldn't be able to see what was really going on. I guess I thought she would be able to see that I still go to sleep crying sometimes because Belinda is old and dying, and that the reason I distance myself is because instinctively I try to prepare for her death and lessen the pain of it. And as usual I channeled my hurt into anger and ended up screaming things like "fuck you, bitch".
Then I stormed over to my dad's and was immediately greeted by "so your mom says you dropped your statistics class". My mom apparently got annoyed with my dad and wanted to hurt him so she told him what she promised she wouldn't. I hadn't wanted my dad to know I dropped a class until I had the $550 to pay him back. I ended up calling the barn, to confirm that Belinda was still happy and not in any pain, and that they would call me when it was time to put her down. About halfway into the conversation I lost control and started crying, wonderful. I hate crying in front of people. At least my dad backed off after that. Running out of gas and getting stuck at your parent's house(s) really sucks, BTW.
On a different note a spot in Basic Horsemanship opened up so I dropped Appreciation of Drama and added it. Tomorrow I'm going to call and beg them to let me take 14 credits (instead of the 13 credit cap) and add the drama class back on.