Yo yo yo. Sorry I'm so late in posting. I'm Ryoko (Shinju/Zekarion/Lloyd/Sho/Tony) for you newcomers (welcome, we're glad to have you 8D).
Okay, so I think that's a reasonable assumption for Zek to be thinking about the dock space. Would we be doing an arrangement sort of post (where he'd get together with an agent of the Sicilians, Romano I'm guessing, and discuss it?), or would it be assumed that he agreed from before we start?
I'd mention the whole idea about Zek's crimes being found out, but I guess that mostly involves me talking to myself. I guess it'd be better to focus on how the Sicilians would be found, leading to their connection? Or would we want it to be the other way around, with Zekarion's connections being found out first and that leading to the Sicilians?
And for the local mafia, I'm guessing Sho would be a major part of the Egyptian negotiations. (Tony can send letters/ims from jail and be comic relief? 8D)
And another point I'd like for everyone to think on/give ideas for (or if you already have set ideas, just put them in one place) is how we want this to end. Where do we want this to go, and what do we want to have done by the end of this?
Lastly, whenever you want me, I'll be there. (Whenever you caaall me, I'll be there~ Whenever you neeeeeed me, I'll be there~ I'll be arouund~) So just let me know. :D
I think depending on how we open the storyline may define that, or we could have a scene with them renegotiating what dockspace is and isn't available to LCN - an argument between the two may prompt Spain to get his lazy Spaniard butt over and help to increase general tensions.
As far as connections - if the FBI begins to investigate records, then it makes more sense that they would find out that Zek had connections with LCN but then more may be revealed, as they may be curious if there was a history with organized crime beforehand.
I see Lucifer and Sho very much sharing power when it comes to the Egyptians, because Lucifer's trying to teach by example and is worried about him pulling another Russian stunt. Of course I want Tony involved because DUH he's Tony and he will bring epic, epic lulz. We already established he has IM capabilities.
Ending. Good question on that. I think at the very least the FBI making some arrests needs to happen, although I'm unsure who/how. Zek for certain. I need the Egyptian delegates to speak up on what they're up to and so on. LCN may move to another city if Zek gets arrested, only to come back and try again in a few months whatever.
Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable idea. :D I'm up for either.
Right, to sort of gather more evidence and such. I guess we can discuss details a bit more later.
And I'm still debating what Zekarion would do once arrested. We've already discussed together about him still being his supernatural self, right? I don't think he'd want to stay in jail when he has the means to get out easily.
Probably an argument getting Spain over would work best for introducing him to the plot. I still don't know what's going on with our FBI agents, but the opening, no matter what it is, will probably be an info dump. Either with Vorenus and Alfred and the FBI or with Zek and Romano. Doing both would be redundant though, as it would contain the same info.
Yeah, the FBI bit should get figured out for that.
Mostly I just want more Stark madness. They're so fun.
I don't think we have, actually? Or if we have it was a VERY long time ago. IDK if you'd prefer to IM over that bit.
Makes sense. He'd probably be more enticed to come over because of bad news than because of good news, right? I'm up for opening if that's what everyone agrees to.
They really are. XD
I swear I remember talking to you about it. Sure, I'll get on tomorrow or something to discuss.
Okay, so I think that's a reasonable assumption for Zek to be thinking about the dock space. Would we be doing an arrangement sort of post (where he'd get together with an agent of the Sicilians, Romano I'm guessing, and discuss it?), or would it be assumed that he agreed from before we start?
I'd mention the whole idea about Zek's crimes being found out, but I guess that mostly involves me talking to myself. I guess it'd be better to focus on how the Sicilians would be found, leading to their connection? Or would we want it to be the other way around, with Zekarion's connections being found out first and that leading to the Sicilians?
And for the local mafia, I'm guessing Sho would be a major part of the Egyptian negotiations. (Tony can send letters/ims from jail and be comic relief? 8D)
And another point I'd like for everyone to think on/give ideas for (or if you already have set ideas, just put them in one place) is how we want this to end. Where do we want this to go, and what do we want to have done by the end of this?
Lastly, whenever you want me, I'll be there. (Whenever you caaall me, I'll be there~ Whenever you neeeeeed me, I'll be there~ I'll be arouund~) So just let me know. :D
As far as connections - if the FBI begins to investigate records, then it makes more sense that they would find out that Zek had connections with LCN but then more may be revealed, as they may be curious if there was a history with organized crime beforehand.
I see Lucifer and Sho very much sharing power when it comes to the Egyptians, because Lucifer's trying to teach by example and is worried about him pulling another Russian stunt. Of course I want Tony involved because DUH he's Tony and he will bring epic, epic lulz. We already established he has IM capabilities.
Ending. Good question on that. I think at the very least the FBI making some arrests needs to happen, although I'm unsure who/how. Zek for certain. I need the Egyptian delegates to speak up on what they're up to and so on. LCN may move to another city if Zek gets arrested, only to come back and try again in a few months whatever.
Right, to sort of gather more evidence and such. I guess we can discuss details a bit more later.
And I'm still debating what Zekarion would do once arrested. We've already discussed together about him still being his supernatural self, right? I don't think he'd want to stay in jail when he has the means to get out easily.
Yeah, the FBI bit should get figured out for that.
Mostly I just want more Stark madness. They're so fun.
I don't think we have, actually? Or if we have it was a VERY long time ago. IDK if you'd prefer to IM over that bit.
They really are. XD
I swear I remember talking to you about it. Sure, I'll get on tomorrow or something to discuss.
O Stark Family. <3
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