Sep 25, 2006 05:29
It's been a while...Looking back on this thing was quite the fun (perfect for those nights my body decides not sleep.) After reading up on things I have found out 100 useless facts about myself. I was actually surprised to see how much I haven't changed. The problem is the things that have changed I miss so fucking much. Back then as a senior in high school wishing to be younger. Now I am the portrait of a cigarette smoker at nineteen who would kill for the chance to be sixteen again.
Back then it was...
Which parking lot?, Is LTJ in the cd player?, Where's my skateboard?, Which flavor Jones (*cough*Blueberry Lemonade*cough*), and Will the Buick make it? Life does actually come at you fast...I didn't see it coming I suppose. Options back then seemed a lot better.
Today's questions
vary from How drunk am I right now?, Mike weren't you drunk the past week n' a half?, and How the fuck am I out of cigarettes? The worst part is that I have accepted...maybe just tonight... that I know the answer to each of those questions. #1 Very, #2 Yes, fuck off., & #3 Because you fucking smoked them all! And each of those answers are a true testament to the life-less college kid that I am.
Putting those 2 options on the scale
it seems there is an obvious winner in my head; now all I have to do is fix it. I know things change and they really have, but I feel like small steps can be taken to bring a shade of the "glory days" back. Playing in this ska band has brought many awesome times (and hopefully some good tunes.) and makes me feel not younger, but a bit more alive than your average drunk. Step 2: Tonight after a very Perky adventure Springmyer was just thing to avoid being a life-less college kid. Being outside in a parking lot talking about shit that is pointless but really means the more than the world. (Don't ask. If you understand that line. You understand me. If not get on my level /\ ) Baby-steps in the right direction.
Tonight it was also established that it is time to start skating again. So new club...
Yes, I'm 19
and Yes, I ride a skateboard still.
Members: Me, Joe, Rick...more to come hopefully.
So shit...that was heavy. *deep breath* I'm better now.
Yeah...Uhm...Oh yes!...How can I forget? I still love my music, that hasn't changed. Show this I'm rather nervous, but whatever not anything 5 good friends skankin' can't fix.
I wonder if anyone is even on LJ anymore...Hm fuck it.