(no subject)

May 01, 2019 21:00

CHARACTER NAME dino cavallone.
CHARACTER SERIES katekyo hitman reborn!
「O O C」
BACKTAGGING Y, plz! I know I'm not the fastest tagger, and sometimes, I forget when I owe you tags, too, so please abuse me (& please kick me around whenever I forget).
THREADHOPPING Go for it. Ask if you're unsure, especially when the thread's looking pret. serious.
FOURTHWALLING Y, & y, & y, & y. Don't freak him out too badly, of course.
OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS (ELABORATE) I'm usually offended by stupidity - no, I mean, even if I get offended, I do my v. best to keep it down. But just ask if you're really unsure.

「I C」
HUGGING Please do! He loves giving out hugs, and loves receiving them some more. It might earn you a laugh or a pat on the head, but rest assured that he likely won't be the first to push you away.
KISSING At your own risk! Dino doesn't like giving away kisses, because he'd rather they mean something, but that's only for kisses on the lips. Kisses on the cheek, forehead, etcetera, are a-okay with him, so it's fine if you want to give him those.
FLIRTING Sure, why not? He'd most likely flirt right back, being the kind of guy that typically wins the hearts of ladies everywhere back in Italy. (Sob mafia boss charm, I swear.)
FIGHTING He will be a little clumsy, but if you're a danger to him or anyone else he knows, he won't hesitate to fight back, so go for it! He'll most likely be tripping all over the place, though, until he finds someone he can call 'family' here.
INJURING YES. DO IT. If it's anything too severe, just talk to me and we'll figure something out. I'm pretty hideous when it comes to this guy, so I'll most likely say yes, anyway.
KILLING Eventually, but as of right now, nope. We'll see in the near future.
MINDREADING Y! You'll most likely read thoughts about homesickness, and missing his family (mafia famiglia) hardcore. He can't stop worrying about their welfare, nevermind his own, and it'll be the same thing when it comes to the people he met here. Always thinking about the worst case scenarios, when it comes to this guy.


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