Alaska Senate Race

Nov 12, 2008 21:06

I like the state of Alaska a lot and find the residents I've met from there friendly but how insane is it that half of them have voted for Ted Stevens. Okay so his crimes aren't exactly against humanity but do they care nothing about integrity let alone that even after such clear exposure that he accepted "gifts" and he received a guilty judgment in court that he still denies wrongdoing. I guess how surprised should I be given that Alaskans elected Sarah Palin governor.

So I'm also watching this all closely because my brother's wife had been on Mark Begich staff while he's been mayor of Anchorage and has been working tirelessly campaigning for the democratic party in Alaska.

I can't stop myself from spitting out one last bit of venom on how pathetic I think it is that so many people in Alaska are bought by the republican party by an annual handout of a couple thousand dollars.
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