
Mar 23, 2008 21:41

Aww, I had a really good Spring Break. Eeek better than I expected!
Sooo yesterday, I layed out in the sun, did random stuff and went out to eat with my mom and sister. Then I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out or not, so I kind of got ready... then watched the A&M/UCLA game. Ughh and UCLA won in the last few seconds of the game so that sucked.

Anyway, I voted against going out... buuut Raymond left Chloe's for a while and came over to my house a little after 11:30. :):) We watched College Gameday and talkeddd and had a nice time anddd yeah! Hahaha. He left around 12:30 or so because Cameron G. kept calling him. I was happy that he came to see me though. He's a sweet guy.

Today I took my pictures for Photo. They came out cute. My sister was my speciment. Oooohh and the day after prom, Lisa and I are going to see Chelsea Handler at Verizon Wireless! I'm really excited!!

Ugh, but tomorrow is school which sucks a lot. I have to jump back onto the yearbook and worry about what's due for English. And yeahhh... I can't wait for the year to be over. Three more weeks and the yearbook SHOULD be done, but we'll see.

I love life.


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