Fanfiction Recommendations: The Pretender

Jan 08, 2011 17:30

I have stopped reading long enough to post this. Because these three authors are my absolute favorites so far and for very different reasons.

Elliott Silver's Fanfiction - His style of writing is poetic. It's beautiful and much of it is very dark. There are a few lighter pieces and so far I've loved all of what I've read. I'm still working through it though. I have to say I did a little happy dance when I read What Hour Come because it's based off The X-files episode Irresistible which I love. It's not a crossover, he simply used that story as a base for his and added his own little touches to it. There was much more going on in the story as well and it was longish which is always a plus.

Kirbyfest Fanfiction - I have to say I heard the characters voices most clearly in her writing. All of it is fantastic. I really enjoyed the novel True. It just felt right and the ending wasn't cliched.

Ginger's Fanfiction - Her fanfic is mostly light, fun and smut filled. There are a couple stories unfinished and I doubt they ever will be. But that has never stopped me from reading them before and sending the author some encouragement after ;)

fanfic_recs, the pretender

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