I am way overdue for a rec post and I've been reading fic in a new fandom. I watched Lie To Me back in it's first season but didn't keep up with it after that. I caught some of the new eps and rediscovered my love for Cal and Gillian. I love their characters and chemistry. Naturally, I've devoured as much fanfic as I can since then. This is not an exclusive LTM rec post though.
Lie To Me
Lie To Me Fanfiction by Gidget89 - I love her House fic so I was super excited to find she wrote for LTM as well. They are all great reads.
Lie To Me Fanfiction by recoilandgrace - SO MUCH ANGST! But I love it. I haven't even finished reading all of her stuff but I made myself stop long enough to make this post. There are some lighter pieces as well but the angst is the best.
Lie To Me Fanfiction by gwasshoppa - The Lies We Tell is my favorite. It's not quite finished and I'm dying for more!
NIXMONSTER CASTLE FIC! - GO READ AND GIVE REVIEWS! Seriously, it's awesome stuff. Read. It. Now.
Onward by Stenveny - I haven't been reading much House fic lately but this one is amazing.
Star Trek: TNG
Falling Toward Destiny by Felicia - It's been a while since I read this one but I remember thoroughly enjoying it. Imzadi fic, of course. And epic, what other kind is there?
No videos this time around. I haven't been bookmarking them like I usually do and my memory kind of sucks right now. Also, I spilt soda on my keyboard and now the "e" is all sticky and gets stuck sometimes. If I randomly have extra e's in future posts, that's why, so please excuse them.