Feb 06, 2012 19:39

Tomorrow is oroburos69's birthday (yeah, I'm early :p), and she wanted either nature/outdoor photos or a Harry/Hermione fic. The original plan was for a drabble and a photo, but I ended up with a drabble and three photos.

*hugs* I hope you have a super awesome birthday! :D

(I realize the composition of this weird, but the wind was blowing and it just wouldn't stay still.)

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: For a Moment
Rating/Warnings: FRC? It has a couple curse words, though.
Pairing: Harry/Hermione, but can be interpreted as friendship.
Summary: It's a drabble. I'd give the whole thing away with a summary. But it does take place in the tent.
Author's Note: lady_of_scarlet is awesome, and her beta skills are invaluable.

"Give them back, Harry!" Hermione’s voice was high and desperate, in a way he didn't think he'd ever heard before.

She'd flipped page after worn page, searching for answers, for anything to make it feel like they weren't failing. She'd been at it for days, fingers cracked from the cold and the paper cuts, her eyes underscored with dark circles but wide open as though ready to capture the next sentence in case it was the one.

He'd just wanted her to rest, to stop pouring every ounce of herself into those damn books. Maybe because he was tired of watching her come up empty.

"Why? So you can read the same bloody words over again? You need to stop. Just for a while, Hermione. Please." His words came out more broken than he intended, and he realized how frayed they both were.

He felt a dark twisted thing rise up and catch in his throat. He didn't want to admit it to himself, and especially not to her, but every now and then it was all too much, and the impossibility of their quest outweighed his hope.

On the verge of tears and shaking, she stood no more than an arm’s length from him, and he saw it in her eyes, the moment she saw the truth in his.

He looked away, fought to swallow the hopelessness, and tried not to let her see anymore.

"Oh, Harry..."

He didn't acknowledge that she'd even spoken, and part of him wanted to get the hell out of the tent and away from her. But before he could move, her hand covered his-the one holding her pack containing all her books. Her palm slid against his skin until it lightly grabbed the pack as well. She tugged gently, silently asking him to let go. He knew her focus was no longer on her books, so he let the bunched up fabric slip from his grasp. It dropped to the ground with a thud, sounding far heavier than a pack that size should.

A warm hand took its place, but he still couldn't look at her. Instead he watched as her fingers laced with his, like threads overlapping. Hermione's other hand came up to his cheek and turned his face up toward hers, forcing resigned green eyes to meet sympathetic, no longer watery brown.

She didn't say anything. Hermione simply leaned in until their foreheads pressed together, and breathed. When she exhaled, Harry found that he could too. The hopelessness receded like dark clouds in his mind, and words she'd spoken to him the first time he'd faced seemingly impossible odds shined through,

You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard. You really are.

photography, fanfic, harry potter

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