Oncology/ update

Jan 30, 2019 12:16

Yesterday I had my followup with the pulmonary oncologist.

Like my surgeon, he reassured me that he saw no need for chemo or radiation, but he’s referring me to the hematology/oncology clinic to make sure they have no other suggestions.

I go back in three months for a followup to make sure my referral went through and to maintain continuity of care. Also for a baseline chest X-ray since my lung should be settled in its new shape by then and we’ll need a reference point in case I have any future problems.

So, doing well, just weak as shit with no stamina. But it’s starting to take more to get me out of breath, so I’ll take progress where I can get it. And if I’m not doing anything but going from bed/ couch to bathroom and back, I can go hours without even Tylenol. I do still need Percocet if I’m leaving the house to do any amount of walking or sitting somewhere besides the truck.
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