Jun 02, 2010 11:18
My mom brought home a stray dog last night, it was hanging around work. She has been feeding it since she can't let anything starve (it was skinny). Said she went to leave and it hoped in the truck, she made it get out and it started chasing the truck. My mom said it just broke her heart so she took it home.
My dad actually wasn't mad and is letting her keep the dog, its a female large dog, white with one large black patch on its back near tail, and then little black speckles all over her. Me and my mom came up with the name Tilly.
When my mom first brought her in man, my cat Patch wanted a piece of her, but now they are use to her, and are behaving. She seems like a sweet dog, we gotta get her fixed though. Big believer in making sure animals are fixed.
Tired I slept like shit last night, went to bed at two couldn't sleep and got up at 7 30 in the morning went out to breakfast. I'm tired, but I don't want to go lay down. Though I was playing wow earlier and started to doze off lol.
And check after next is gonna suck, this schedule I have 26 hours for work, I know the boss is hurting for money, so the people who make less are getting more hours. ugh.