That meme thing, baaaaa~

Mar 30, 2011 01:03

I got tagged by ladydragon76 . :)

People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.

Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you! eerian_sadow , artemis10002000 , spacegarden , antepathy , cazcatharsis , chai16 , toyzintheattik , wicked3659 .

Just for fun, do it if you want too. ^^

1. If you could, which castle would you like to live in?
A: That big one, right on the beach, with the shiny copper roof and all the turrets.

2. What is your favorite game?
A: Currently playing with Sims Medieval, and a couple families that Ruu abandonedleft on my Sims 3 game. :)

3. Do you collect anything?
A: Transformers movie toys. Mainly Autobots. Mostly Ironhide. <3

4. Five things you can touch right now without getting up.
A: Cell, my coffee, computer mouse for the main computer, the ebil snowbot spacegarden gave me for Xmas, the bitty Ironhide right next to him.

5. The most unusual thing you've read/seen today?
A: Anatidaephobia - The fear that you are being watched by a duck (no joke).

6. How do you feel about #5?
A: I personally love ducks. Watching them, eating them, just love 'em. ;)

7. What are you thinking about right now?
A: About how I should be writing or tagging, and instead I'm doing this meme. Thanks, LD. :p

8. Write the first word that comes to mind.
A: Whalerage. (It's a word in Sims Medieval, really.)

9. Dog person or cat person?
A: Cat, though I have to say quidamling 's doggehs are the most adorable ever. ♥

10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?
A: Turn it in.

11. What was the last thing that you bought?
A: TCBY. And it was delicious. ^^

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A: Egypt, I've always wanted to go there. No money, so I'll head back to see quid instead. XD

13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
A: I'm thinking I'll still be here in FL, and hoping for a few more friends close by. <3

14. Last book you've read?
A: Year's Best Horror and Fantasy something or other, with such gems as Dying in Bangkok and Prima Belladonna. Good stories.

15. What are you doing this weekend?
A: Hoping for the muse to cooperate so I can actually finish this oh-so-very-close chapter, likewise for tagging and RPing. Some gardening, maybe head to the beach if it's nice.

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
A: French horn. I love the sound.

17. What is your favorite cuisine?
A: I will never say no to sushi. Ever. <3


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