Jul 15, 2009 14:41
One little peeve I have: when someone uses "a blog" to mean "a blog entry." The website that contains the individual postings is the blog. The individual postings themselves are blog entries. I blame MySpace. If you subscribe to someone's MySpace blog, you get notifications that say, "[Username] has posted a new blog." Have you noticed that this usage is becoming pervasive? I came across a fresh example today: "This is my first blog." The person was posting to a group blog and it was clear that she meant she was posting her first entry. For some reason, this usage really grates.
I went through the same thing with "an e-mail." I think that was AOL's fault. Remember when they had a TV commercial featuring some internet newbie declaring proudly, "I got an e-mail!"? Before that, I'd only heard people using "e-mail" the same way they'd use "mail." No one describes receiving a letter as "I got a mail today." It's "I got a letter in the mail"; "I got an e-mail message." Now the "an e-mail" usage has taken over.
Erg. I shouldn't care, but I do. 0_o