(no subject)

Jun 22, 2006 09:53

Hello from South Carolina.

So the move went fairly well...but it was about 93 degrees that day and we started unpacking the u-haul at 11:30am.  When we were carrying stuff upstairs (3 flights to make things worse) we saw this big guy taking his dog outside.  Annie (Tyler's cousin) decided to ask him to help with the heavy stuff and he agreed without hesitation...thank you southern hospitality.

After the move my dad and I went shopping for a new mattress...we had great success and it is being delivered today!   No more air mattress on the floor :)  I also opened a new bank account and got food which always sucks when you first move because you have to start over with all the basics!

Yesterday Annie and I got cable, but no internet yet so I am trying to steal it from the neighbors now until I get too fed-up with constantly being kicked off.  Then we took a trip to Target to pick up a few things for the apt.

Today I plan to officially change my address and look into car insurance and AAA membership.  One good thing about my new apt. is that everything is so close.  i live less than a mile from two interstates and that basically makes it convenient to basically any place in Columbia.

Oh yeah, I had my new employee "physical" yesterday which was basically just a drug test and tb placement.  The part they called the physical exam was a nurse asking me to lift my arms over my head, turn my head from side to side, walk down the hall, and reach my hands behind my back...it was pretty strenuous.

Talk to you soon
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