Thank you!

Dec 20, 2012 01:27

To pippinmctaggart, carolinecrane, and loki_dip for your lovely Christmas cards. I finished sending out my cards today, so some of them might be a bit late, but that's because I didn't realized until last night when I was checking my international stamps that I had fogotten two people. ::facepalm::

Answers to loki_dip's questions: (1) No, it doesn't bother me that your brother likes Chicago pizza. :) There's actually two kinds of New York pizza, the very thin type typically called "New York pizza" and "Buffalo style" which is somewhere in between NY and Chicago. (I prefer that one.) (2) We didn't get that badly affected by Hurricane Sandy here. Fortunately, the worst thing that happened was that my power flickered off just long enough that my computer gave me an error message and I had to log back in to all my web sites (and remember all my passwords. Hate that.) It was very scary hearing the wind howling all night, though, and considering how far we are from the coast, I can only imagine how much worse it must have been for them.

I've been busy with Christmassy things all month. First, I participated (after some persuasion) in my church's re-creation of the Christmas story - I was in Joseph's "carpentry shop" giving out creche figures to each family as the teenager who played Joseph gave his (not always Biblically accurate) version of his and Mary's trip to Bethlehem. When I first heard about this, I thought it was over-ambitious and wouldn't be worth all the work we'd put into it. But when it happened, and I was walking around seeing the furniture in the lounge stacked up, covered and turned into hills and the nursery turned into Herod's palace, I have to admit it was kind of cool, and it was fun seeing the kids there who were really getting into it. The week after that was the annual tradition of caroling at the senior citizens' apartments next to the church, and on Sunday afternoon, I had my choir concert. I also decorated the house, put lights up, and did my Christmas shopping, and now I'm just taking things easy until next week. :)
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