May 08, 2005 18:52
Hey guyz and galz whats goin on? Not 2 much is hurr...i'm just chillin over anthony's ryin to do a project....yeah right like thats gonna get done lol...How has y'allz week and weekend been...Mine's been ok I Grrrr8 times... one regret..... but all in all...a grr8 time ...... I went to the beach like two or three times... Hung out with Sarah, Anthony, and David a bunch.... Went to busch gardens a couple of times. "Had some good times at Tony's"'all know what i'm talkin about!!!!!! And I've got to say I am good.....I got three ppl who were completely afraid of roller coasters to go one and they all loved....woop woop go me! Anywayz, my sister had her first starring role in a play...She was Tzietel, a Russian in "Fiddler on the roof"... She did grrr8....Oh yeah and my gurl Danielle got license on thursday so that's awesome and she has her dad's old Pathfinder and its frikin sweet.... I can't wait until I get my license.....and then a car... Anywayz.... I'll writ later I have to get off tony's computer...
Luv Alwayz,
~!April Marie!~