Updates and ahem, "photo dump"

May 22, 2008 01:16

Hi everyone! Long time, no post! Everything is going okay here- hmm...current events....

-- The most current event- as I speak Adam is cleaning up our kitchen. Our tile is being replaced- and they spent today smashing our old floor to pieces and laying concrete board. It was a terrifying noise

-- Scarlett turned 1 year old! Look ahead in this post for both recent and party pictures.

-- I started Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago. I'm not sure why I choose to share this, but I am. I have developed some really bad eating habits to save time, and in the process it's been showing. I had originally lost my baby weight but piled it on after weaning Scarlett and going through a small health crisis (angioedema, chronic hives and newly diagnosed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis). Maybe sharing this news will give me more resolve. :) As it is, its been a bad week with the party and no kitchen now to make food in.

-- It is still in the 40s at night. Will someone send some warm air???

-- Adam and I are still exhausted. We hope to take a weekend vacation to my parents place the first week of June.

-- I have a cavity on the back of my right upper wisdom tooth- WHY, oh WHY didn't I get them all pulled??? I'm getting it filled next week, and I may need Valium to do it. I HATE even the smell of the dentist office. Even more so the sensation of the drill on my teeth. I jump off the chair when they use it.

As for me, I long for a pedicure, a haircut, and to see the SATC movie coming out May 30th...guilt-free. I feel I spend so much time away from Adam and Scarlett that I don't have time for that stuff. Let alone all the other people I really need to see- my sister, Courtney, my mom. I need a month off. Oh, wait. The only way to get that is maternity leave. Um, yeah, not right now. Like I said- trying to lose weight- not gain it. (I had 3 people at work this week ask me if I was pregnant. Okay, I've lost 5 lbs and apparently look even bigger!? They said no, it's just that I should be about ready to, and everyone else is pregnant.) And Scarlett still needs all of our attention. I'm young yet- there is still time and I would prefer her to be walking, feeding herself for the most part, maybe potty training? Alright, enough of that rant.

Anyway, I need to go pry Adam away from the kitchen floor. He has to work tomorrow, and I guess doesn't plan on sleeping.

Her first chopstick lesson.

Using a spoon herself for the first time- KFC mashed potatoes. She also had a 102 degree fever at the time, but took her mind off the aches and pains.

Continued concentration...

Scarlett developed a keen interest in scrubbing our floor. That phase lasted two weeks. She's done with cleaning now.

Daddy is hanging curtains behind her, she busies herself with a book.

Scarlett turned 1 year old on May 16th! We had a small party at our house- BBQ followed by cake and ice cream.

The first gift she spies- a rocking chair from great-grandpa Pomaville. She sits in it nicely, and even started rocking it without instruction!

Enough rocking-let's move on. (Oh, and we tried to keep the bow straight in her hair- she prefers it sideways.)

Ooh, more gifts!

Little People farm from Grandma and Grandpa Winter. She tries hard to put the animals in their stalls.

We sing "Happy Birthday" and Scarlett is a little suprised- everyone is singing!

We had prepared for the worst- a humongous bib complete with sleeves and a pouch. All expected a pink face and hair filled with icing. Instead, she daintily picked pea-sized pieces off and licked the frosting off her fingers. There was no mess! I didn't even have to wipe off the bib!

After cake (and dinner for Scarlett) she entertained everyone while sitting in her beach chair from Granny and Papa Pomaville- smiling, laughing- posing- and playing with her toys.
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