(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 17:27

Well, so much has happened since I last posted that Adam was coming home....he did arrive, safely, with all of his luggage. :) The wait once I got in the airport was even more excruciating because as I was parking my car, he called to tell me he had gotten off the plane!! It took over an hour before I saw him come through the international terminal doors. So we spent a blissful evening together. The next day was back to business. We met with a mortgage person (broker?) about owning a home. He went to work.

That tuesday, merely 2 days after he got home, I was getting this pain behind my jaw, just in front of and under my ear. Oh well. I went to work, thought I felt a swollen gland. One of my co-workers said she thought she felt something, but couldn't be sure. The next day, Wednesday, It was really painful, but 400mg of Motrin every 4-5 hours completely covered that. It was then a small, soft lump, a little larger than a gumball. We went to meet my parents realtor then toured a couple neighborhoods to get an idea of what we'd be looking at. Then went for Buddy's Pizza (Detroit's famous deep dish). I had trouble finishing it cause my Motrin was wearing off, so we went home. Thursday, it was actually slightly visible. And the Motrin was not completely doing it anymore. So, seeing as I had to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I went to the doctor. He looked at it, was not concerned, and gave me Amoxicillin 1000mg BID. That afternoon, I took 600mg of Motrin and went out with Adam, supposedly for dinner. We walked into the mall for a quick glance at Ann Taylor Loft (since I have a gift card) and didn't make it past the food court. I was in so much pain, I started crying into Adam's chest. We went home. I took a Vicodin ES (left over from minor foot surgery a year ago) and was able to sleep- til it was due again. At the doctors again Friday, this time- bloodwork showed no mono or strep (thank God) and an Xray it had not spread to the bone (which they were very worried about, seeing as it was HUGE- much larger than the day before. I could barely open my mouth, and it gave me ear and throat aches- it covered that much area.) They wanted to give me a shot of antibiotics, Rocephin, which I am allergic to! That was the first time my cephalosporin allergy actually created a problem. So instead, different antibiotic, stronger. Created all sorts of lower intestinal troubles for the whole 10 days I used it too. Oh, and did I mention, that after the lump was finally disappearing, after missing my whole weekend of work, I got a raging fever? I literally spent a week in bed.

(Above paragraphs typed 4/7/06, what's below was written today)

As soon as I was better though, we were house hunting. We now are in the process of purchasing a house that happens to be on my parents street! (entirely coincidence and unplanned, chosen for the design and condition of the house, though a bonus to be in the same neigborhood!)

And with all this, 2 hours ago we returned from a trip up north to my parents cottage, planned several weeks ago using Adam's time off after his London trip. Much needed after all this stress. Very sad to come home, cause now there's all this house stress! And Adam's leaving again soon, for Missouri. Another work trip, this one, even longer. I may need a lot of help with this house thing.

So, I work tonight, can't really keep typing. Gotta go eat. So in case anyone thought I've been ignoring them since Adam returned, I don't mean it, everything has just happened all at once. I will work on the emails, surveys, and phone calls soon. :)
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