My Fan Fiction

Jul 14, 2019 22:19

I finally have enough stories to justify this post. Yay! All (thus far) are BSG.


The Strong One

It was supposed to be her turn to hold the strength. Her turn to gather the forces, reinforce the walls.

One Truth, Four Outcomes

Warnings for sex and dark themes

This is not all that we are.

Between a Memory and a Dream

Warning for sex and drug use

Laura and smoke mixed on his lips always made him a little dizzy.


Empty. Vulnerable. Missing something.

Warning for sex

"It doesn’t matter what they think," Sam said softly, trying to ignore the tiny part that wanted it to matter.


One Last Thing

Warning for sex

“I was wrong Lee. I wasn’t done. There’s one last thing I need to do.”

*Caprica; Helo; Hera*

Strength to Spare

Mild warning for violence

She smells the metallic scent of blood and the sour smell of their sweat. The blood’s warm, though it doesn't stay that way for long.

*Saul/Ellen Tigh*


Warning for sex

“Can you forgive me?” “No, I don’t think I can,” she said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, and they both hoped she was just teasing. “Can’t forgive, but I could forget.” A dare, a thrill. “Make me forget Saul.”

*Baltar; Gaeta*

Shadow and Light

She promised, he delivered, and she abandoned him to this wretched planet.

my fiction

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