First Week Back to Normality

Sep 08, 2012 00:22

One of the best part about this job is that I get a big chunk of summer off, just like the kids. One of the harder part of this job is adjusting from vacation mood to work mood when the summer ends. I lucked out though, and got an extra day of summer vacation cause the school didn't need me.

You know the saying, "You will cherish more when you lose it"? Or in my case, when I know I will lose it soon. Whatever it may be, this first week back was amazing. Yes there were boring and not so good parts to it. But on the whole, this week really reminded me why I love this job, and why I'm going to miss it (look at me, it's not even the end and I'm already dreading the end!)

Day 1: elementary school (full class load)
I didn't get an official schedule for this day, but my supervisor gave me a yearly schedule back in April and we talked about it before summer. So I went in well prepare for the first day back. The little ones were adorable. I showed the "Tuesday" flashcard with a picture of fire (the Kanji symbol in Japanese means fire), and one of them says "Fire day". The older kids were challenged with a new chant/song, which goes really fast. They don't like it, but I know in time they'll be rocking it like they did with the last few ones. I had written down a lesson plan for each class, just like I usually do. But the only time I looked at it was to confirm when the class ended.
The teachers were great as well. This is one of the school where I actually get a chance to chat with them (or feel comfortable chatting with them lol). I was spoiled that day, with a DIY hair clip, bitter melon (which I find out, I still don't like), ice cream and cake from an old teacher that was visiting. And one of the first conversation I had that day? "Long time no see! Ah I haven't got a chance to talk to you yet. Have you seen the staff washroom yet? No? Please go take a look." They re-done the staff washroom over the summer, and now it's beautiful and new. Oh and before I even settle down at my desk, a teacher came over and asked me to explain what "ashore" means. Welcome back to work! XD

Day 2: Junior High School (no class, a full day of Sports Festival practice)
Again, I didn't get an official schedule for this day but I was told before the summer what would happen. I came equipped with lot of things to do. I get along with the kids, and the teachers for the most part. But unlike yesterday's elementary school, I don't really interact with the teachers. In fact, this is the one school I barely have any interaction with the other teachers (I do talk to the English teachers, of course). That morning, I was thrown completely off guard by the principal's action: After the morning meeting, he came over and handed me a long thin paper bag "This is a souvenir for you." It was a box of macadamia nut covered chocolate from Hawaii. I rarely get any souvenir from this school, let alone a whole box of chocolate! As I was talking to the English teacher later that day, I found out that the principal has a Mansion (apartment? house?) in Hawaii and visits there frequently.
I spend sometime watching the kids practices for the festival and chat with some of them for a bit. The 3rd and 2nd grader are more comfortable speaking to me than the 1st grader. I was impress at how all of them was making an effort to use English with me. Did a very short trial of 3-legged race, and I completely sucked at it. I chucked at how the kids were dancing to the traditional folk dance "Soran" with half-ass efforts. But then I saw another group did it, and they were way more into it. Perhaps it really depends on how the 3rd grader leads the group.

Day 3: Junior High School (2 class)
The kids here aren't afraid to talk to me at all cause I also teach at the corresponding elementary school. Unlike the other Junior High, the English teacher actually gets me to help out with the lessons and prep work. I also get alone with the staff here extremely well and on more than 1 occasion I have met some of them outside of work to hangout. On our way to the first class, the English teacher told me that her 103 years old grandmother recently passed away and the funeral was held yesterday. The kids seem to know about it and the teacher was comfortable with telling the details about it. The teacher did leave early, so I had the whole afternoon to basically do whatever I want. I was ecstatic to find out that 3 of the kids will be participating in the upcoming speech contest, one of them being a 1st grader too! Just before I left, I very casually asked one of the 2nd grader why she's not taking part in the speech contest (after she tried to tickle me). I love the relationship I have with the kids in this area. I really would love to watch these 2nd graders and the ones at the other school graduate next year. But then I'll also want to watch the next batch, and the next... and I remember why I made my decision in the first place.

Day 4: Elementary School/Kindergarten (2 classes)
This is the corresponding school to yesterday's Junior High School. I was really looking forward to teaching today because 1)From the interaction with the kids yesterday, I realize I really miss them and 2)I got a new game that I was dying to test out.
One of the retire teacher came back as a sub because the other teacher is on maternity leave. Most of the classes were cancel cause of Sports Festival practice, but I still had one class to test out the new game. The kids loved it and I had a good laugh. Sadly it's one of those games where I'll only feel comfortable playing with smaller classes.
I had an hour of kindergarten. I had a lesson plan, but I was under prepared. To top it off, some people came towards to end to watch the class. Good thing I've done this job long enough that I can always wipe up something out of the blue x_x
Back at the elementary school, I walked around a lot to see if I could catch the kids practicing for the festival. After lunch they were practicing the local folk dance outside. Of course, the one day that I forget to apply sunscreen is the day I spend a good half hour out in the sun. I've done the dance before, but it's the first time I got to learn it properly.
During lunch break, I played with the kids. I was dumb enough to think that I can beat the 4th grader at arm wrestling, but I failed miserably (it was actually to play them with my left arm!) I did win when we played thumb wrestling though hahah. Had another game of 3-legged race. It started wonky like the other one, but the kid wouldn't give in, lectured me (yes, lectured me to do better) and I actually managed to pick up speed.
My relationship with the teachers at this school is great as well. They're always using broken English with me. I told them what "melted" means, and one of them says "Melted mouth" Only to be half corrected and half realized what he said doesn't make sense XD

That's the gist of the first week. I'm sorry, I didn't proof read before posting. I have a busy weekend ahead and I really need to sleep. I'll definitely report about it later :)

PS: I watched the FC DVDs, I am in both of them. But... it's a little embarrassing to be fangirling that much XD

the japanese way, alt

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