Advent Calendar 2009!~

Dec 01, 2009 23:58

I finally couldn't resisted it anymore, and watch New Moon... Out of the Twilight Saga, I dislike New Moon the most. When I read the book, I remember rushing rush the main component of the book to the back where the star cross lovers are reunited. But surprisingly, the movie was not bad (aside from the extreme paper cut). The writers did a much better job writing the script and adapting the story from the book than the first movie. Now I have the urge to read the third book Eclipse again lol.

Before dinner, I went skating with Gigi and Hester at the recent open outdoor skating rink at Robson Square. Admission is free, you just need to pay $3 for rentals which explains why there were a lot of people. The rink was much smaller than I thought, about half the size of a normal skating rink.

Had some horrible service though...

First, there was no sign what so ever regarding the rental. We waited in line for 25 minutes, and when it was out turn they told us we needed to go in another line and buy tickets before we can pick up the skates. Argh...
The lady that was originally helping us apologize and said there was nothing she can do but to ask us to line up all over again. The guy next her to smarten up though, and suggested that one of us go buy the tickets, while two of us wait at the side.

After all the fuss, we were only on the rank for 30 minutes before the ice was just too horrible. I have never been on a rank with ice so hard like the bottom of a bunny hill on a ski slope.

Afterward we had Korean food for dinner and called it a night.

Now for some happy H!P news:
- Buono! "Bravo Bravo" PV is out! I like this single better than their last one. Side note: I hope Airi keeps her teeth this way, it makes her cuter!
- S/mileage 3rd indie single Suki Chan: It's not bad, but it's not as catchy as the last two. But I know after a few more listens I'll love it like the other two singles.

In the past, I always get a chocolate advent calendar for myself. But last year I learn that my body just can't intake that much chocolate, even if it's just a tiny piece a day. So this year, I didn't even bother looking at the stores for one.

Today, my sister announced that she will be playing Christmas songs because it's December 1. And this gives me an idea: I'll create my own advent calendar on here! So for the duration of this month, each day I'll post a holiday theme video.

For Day 1, I present to you the Mo-Preme!

Whenever I think of the winter holidays, this is one that just can't be missed: You have the fresh face 6th generation; Nacchi, Tsuji and Kago are still part of the group; and each girls get to be in the spotlight if only just for a little while.

video, pv, hello! project, twilight saga, external link, movie, buono!., rant, s/mileage., blog challenge

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