another pack weekend, coming up!

Aug 28, 2009 23:15

After work this morning and went home for lunch. No one was home: parents at work, sis went to get her books, grandma was out with a relative. That leaves Ernie and me home alone. It's been such a super duper long time since I had the house all to myself, it felt soooo nice~ \( ´ ▽ ` )/

Silvi called to confirm about our quick get away trip next weekend. So yaaay, going to get to take away from all this at home madness. Really looking forward to it.

JunJun and LinLin was interview by a Hong Kong TV station earlier, it's a short interview but entertaining nonetheless. It was done in Chinese, with subtitles, so I had no problem understanding it. The interviewer asked the girls if there was something in Japan that they're still not used to. JunJun is surprised that when she goes out with others to eat, they always pay for their own share. Whereas in China sometimes one will pay for everyone as a nice gesture, and next time someone else may offer to pay. As for LinLin, at first she wasn't used to how everyone doze off when they're on the train. But she has gotten used to that and sometimes will doze off too.

After watching this week's H!O Friday Concert Series, I have Tanpopo's BE HAPPY Koi no Yajirobee song stuck in my head. As much as I'll like to spend the weekend organizing music, I got to take care of some admin stuff for work and get a move on those application/cover letter/resume.

ジュンジュン, j-pop, hello! project, リンリン

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