Prank by a Toddler

Jan 30, 2009 23:38

Some days, things just doesn't go right from the start. Today was one of those days. They are paving the road in front of the house. Which is fine and all... except they choose to start their work at 7am on my day off >_<
Some how I managed to survive that 15 min of racket (or how ever long it was) and went back to sleep. at one point dad came to check on me and suggested I move to my sister room. I waved him off and just roll over. By the time I finally got up and I was in an empty house. Turns out dad got call to work early.

I went to Aberdeen, and they have a new store. It's one of those that has those capsule machine set up around the store and sell those kind of "collection". I am so doom... there's not many store like this in Vancouver. And this one had a ton of Disney/Stitch one... but soooo expensive D= I was able to fight the temptation today by leaving the store without buying anything. But I'm already tempted to go back to the store...

I got a miss call from E's house. Naturally I called back, but no pick up. So later the mom calls back, she's wondering what's up. Then I told her that she call me early... turns out it was her 2 year old son that made the call ||-___- See, this little boy... is very hard to please. He likes to open/close closets, press machines buttons, etc. The mom let him play with the home phone and her cell phone while she feeds him. That's how he call me. It happened to one of the therapist before, but it's the first time it's happened to me. He really is a trouble some little guy. Some how, he figured out how to download ringtone with his mom's cell phone which lead to a very expensive bill every month.

This morning while going through my daily run of the internet, I found this picture:

*gasp* can it be...?
Nono is back, and she's starting a blog too!

I read her second post (which is sort of her intro post). And she posted 2 pictures of herself.

At first glance, I thought this was Yaguchi. Some people thought so too, because Yaguchi use this pose a lot. And it's such a rare sight to see Nono with her hair down.

I was too lazy to read her whole post, but seems like she will be making an appearance at the final H!P concert.

This picture was probably taken back stage. And this is more like the Nono we know.

With a little help of a dictionary, I got the gist of what she was talking about on the blog. Hopefully by the end of the year I can understand most blogs without relying on the dictionary too much!

stitch., j-news, hello! project, picture, 辻 希美, external link

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