so, you want to play hide and seek huh?

Oct 21, 2008 23:21

I finally applied for graduation this morning, yay. Now all I need is to actually pass my classes so I get approve for graduation.

I had quite an interesting morning. See, I was cleaning my chinchilla's cage, and I usually put them in a exercise ball so they can roll around and be out of my way. I did that today, and 5 minutes after I put them in there I found the lid open and there was only 1 chinchilla inside the ball. o.O I knew who was inside the ball, and who's the naughty girl that escaped right away. I didn't feel like spending an hour trying to catch Bam Bam, so I got reinforcements: Ernie =D We had Bam Bam cornered under the bed: Ernie was on one end, I was at the other end; either way will spell doom for that chinchilla. Ernie started making whimpering sounds, cause he could see a creature moving, but he couldn't reach it. Bam Bam was making her own noise too as she dash around. Finally Bam Bam came out from under the bed and ran in circles, Ernie followed. I scooped up the chinchilla before the dog had a chance to actually lick/claw/munch/bite her. I think Ernie was upset that his new toy was taken away from him, but I gave him a treat to make up for it lol

My Japanese Coach is starting to get into the grammar bits, to be specific the verb tenses. I've forgotten all this from grade 10 and the game made it sound so complicated. So I dug out y grade 10 notes and gosh, am I ever glad I wrote those notes so neat! The Japanese teacher taught most things through memorization, rather than explaining it and trying to get us learn it through the meaning of things (which was the grade 11/12's teaching method). We had this thing call the "9 square chart" that helped us memorized various forms. I figured a few of the forms by looking at the chart, but there are a few things that I couldn't figure out... which make me think that the teacher never explained what it was for and just had us memorized for the sake of it for the time being.

ernie, bam bam, school, nds

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