Jul 22, 2008 23:15
I was talking to people before class, and they found out I got selected for jury duty. TaTa is like, "Lucky! I want to get pick too!". Oh what I wouldn't give to trade places with her...
Today's Psyc 385 class was surprisingly... fun. We were talking about reciprocal altruism and did fun little activities for it. Two of these were done in pair. The first one was a scenario with $10, and there's a proposer and receiver. The proposer gives a split (9-10, 6-4, 5-5, etc.) and the receiver gets to choose to accept the offer or reject (in this case, neither party will get any share of money). I knew there was no one Alex will do a 5-5, and made up my mind that I'll reject it unless it's an even split or I get the bigger share =P Alas, he did 6-4 and I rejected it.
The second scenario was the fun one. This time it was my turn to be the proposer... except Alex doesn't get a choice of rejecting my proposal XD Hahah and I went with 7-3.
Rush off to work after class. Made it with couple minutes to spare. There was some new program and a new way of running the session. It'll definitely take some time to get use to.