Been seeing high school kids looking at their yearbook this past 2 days, which got me thinking a lot about annual class. So much, that I even had a dream related about it last night lol. Oh how I miss those time. It was harsh, a lot of work but it was meaningful. The more I think about it, the more I compare it to the situation at hand right now.
Today while I was in class I started looking around random sites for possible souvenir ideas for the Fall semester. But the thing is, I have no idea what is consider "popular" or "in" right now.
Been watching
法證先鋒II since I got home. I was watching episode 5, when
佘詩曼's character (馬幗英/Bell) said a line that really caught my attention:
作為一個leader﹐ 就算你很不開心﹐很辛苦﹐也一定要支持下去
因為你一倒下﹐ 全team就會跟著你一起倒下
In rough translation:
As a leader, no matter how tough things get you must put on an act. Because if you're down, the whole team will follow.