Happy Birthday to me :)

Apr 01, 2004 15:45

Big Big Thank you's for the birthday wishes. And thank you to evangeline1138  for the poem.

I love birthday's they're so fun. Although I don't get any presents till tonight. :( it's okay though cause I know I'll get something. Did I mention I love birthdays and thank you to everyone who left birthday wishies.


I found this on lisayaeger 's LJ and am borrowing it.

1. What is your middle name?

2. If you had been born the other sex, did your parents tell you what your name would have been?
Dale Jr and this was decided as they were on their way to the hospital as they were certain they were going to have a girl but wanted to have a plan just in case.

3. Do you have children and if so, what are their names?
No kids yet one day I will

4. If you were to ever have a child or more children, what would you name them?
Alexis, Elizabeth, Samantha, or Nicole
Andrew, Ryan, or Matthew

5. Most people know their mother's maiden name, but do you know your grandmother's maiden name? 
Covey and Vargo

6. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
Not that I can remember.

7. What was the name of your first pet?

8. If you have pet(s) now, what are their names?
Frosty and P.C.

9. What was the name of the school you attended as a child? 
St. Alphonsis pre-school, Valley Community, and lots of others.

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