As if I haven't been blessed enough... A BOX ARRIVES!

Apr 01, 2005 15:02

USPS has just delivered a box from Wisconsin!! I want to open it! And now that gryffindor_phan is on the phone, I shall open it!!

SQUEE! Amidst the tons of crazy packing material is an American First Edition hardback copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!!!11@! THANK YOU! and, after much searching of the box, a wonderful card absolutely BRIMMING over with confetti!

Included are two cds of the most fabulous bands (FF & The Killers) with special "drifty" labels! *froths* That, right there... That's art. *swoons*

Well, foremost, there was an April Fool's joke, hahaha. That's always fun. :p and then...


I have cried and sobbed and coughed and cried and squeed and gasped and NO! NO WAY!d and ... I really just ... (testify! gryffindor_phan!) for the last hour, at least!

There is no font big enough, blinky enough or flashy enough to express the way I feel right now. I've already been so completely overwhelmed by all of your generosity, already, having bought commissions to help us get into our first house, but this just... This overflows my heart! *sobbing* I can't possibly explain and I'm not eloquent enough to illustrate verbally how this has touched me.

There are no words, and love is certainly not strong enough... And I know there's no way I can ever, ever repay your kindness and generosity that you've shown me in the short time that I've known you all. (Except you, Beef! Extra love for you!)

I will never, could never forget this as long as I live. Thank you all, so much, from the bottom of my heart. *more crying*

God, somebody got a kleenex? This toilet paper just ain't cuttin' it. ;)

I can't believe you people were actually able to keep this a secret!! I'm a nosy beeyatch! *L* And I love you all more than you'll ever know.

Thank you!
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