Oct 03, 2005 07:27
Well, thanks to my brother for sending me the source code to my old text editor, CLE. It about time I dusted it off and spruced it up a bit, in particular since its been useful at work the past couple of years. I am such a ditz sometimes when it comes to keeping backups, so to my brother "I appreciate you being a serial hoarder"!
Last night I went through the source and updated it to reflect my change of name from Chris to April. So now "Chris's Line Editor" becomes "April's Editor". Still want a better name though.. I'm open to suggestions ppl. I think I'll start working on either a GTK or a QT based version. Curses based interfaces are fun... but ... it looks so terrible with my metacity desktop hehe.
I've registered with sourceforge and am just waiting for a confirmation e-mail... then I'll post some sources and get to work...
Ho hum...