Feb 09, 2005 23:44
Thats rihgt...im a good kid and im doing my response for english that is practicly due later today!!! yeah go figure. but i decided to take a break and write this cus everyones in bed (i should be too) but c its safe now. haha. ok well. but anywho...
ok so after chem today for some reason or another or a combination of a whole bunch of things, i was back to my fav saying...LIFE SUCKS!!!! no c it really doesnt but lately for me (lately is like this whole year) life has been pretty close to that. now dont take this the wrong way, im not trying to complain or anything, im just writing how i felt. but then i got home and on the table was a little envelope wiht my name on it. i opened it, cus who wouldnt, and it was a thank you note from my little cousin for her christmas present. it really made my day!!! (she wrote it herself and shes like 4 or something) but then i had to go babysit, and then i went to school for the SAT thing (that guy was def not funny at all-he def should never try to become a comedian, well cus he sucked at being funny) and i think when u added it up i got something like a 1760 something like that, which i was quite happy for considering i suck at english (2/3 of the whole test-i mean whats wiht that????) and did wicked bad on all the english stuff. but ahh heather congrats on your score-if u added corectly cus no offense or anything but unless u r like the smartest person on earth, no one scores that high on the SAT the first time that tke it. oh well, unless u like rocked on the english part cus its wicked cool and it 2/3 of teh whole awesome test. but in case u were wondering i got a 660 on math (was quite happy bout that) and a 9 on my essay. i thought my essay sucked, but i guess all u have to do is talk about a chocolate store, and u get a 9. oh well im gonna get back to my awesome response, and then go read 20 more pages. Then ill put my pj's on INSIDE OUT and BACKWARDS cus i really need to sleep in this morning. man gotta love late wednesday nights doing homework. oh well i guess thats what happens when u r a good kid.