Christmas creeps closer.

Dec 13, 2006 20:05

I thought I was done with Christmas shopping. Turns out I've got more to do. The FPC Glitz & Glamour Christmas Party is tomorrow night and we've all been granted an early mark with which to preen ourselves for the big event. I'll be wearing a black dress. Wow, I'm dead serious when I say I can't elaborate on that. I'm rather hopeless when it comes to describing clothes. It's pretty. I hope I look pretty in it. I'll take my camera and post pics afterwards.

I've been given an updated job description. I'm the copy writer/editor for Australian Country Style, Parents, Gardening Australia, Good Taste and Vogue Living magazines. That sounds like a lot of work but I'm in love with my job so it's manageable. I've almost been there for 2 whole months now. We experience time in relation to what we're doing. Albert Einstein once said "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity." Quite true, I say.

I think I've had a great year. I say 'I think' because everything usually seems great to me. It sounds like a good thing but it's really quite aggravating. I guess my almost-pathetic search for a job proved successful, complete with a trail of say, 30 rejections behind me. I managed to get my words published in a decent number of mags. Daniel still loves me. I started exercising and eating these things called 'salads'. I dug myself out of a 4.5 year hospitality job. And I achieved one of my resolutions, admittedly yes, I only managed to nail one of them but still, and that was to read myself silly. I reckon I've read just under ten novels this year. Boo-yah!
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