Their story; xiubaek

Apr 17, 2016 13:48

Title: Their story
Rating: pg
Pairing: Baekhyun/Minseok
Wordcount: 1400 words
Warning: male pregnancy, mention of abo dynamics, kinda unbetaed
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and any mentioned real people do not belong to me
Summary: Baekhyun is a pediatrician, Minseok was a single father, Sehun will be the reason they meet for the first time and for the second too. This is just the beginning of their story.

A/N: This is for Silvia. Every word, every comma, every bad metaphor and every misused tense.
This is for Silvia, for walking home with me at 2am during cold, winter nights and telling me about Baekhyun and Minseok, arguing with me about Chanyeol's love interest and the name of Sehun's younger brother, asking me about Minseok's past with Yifan even though Minseok was her character. None of this would have happened without her.
This is for Silvia because we built an entire world and I'm not good enough to tell even half of it, but she still cried when she read this for the first time.
This is for Silvia because it was her birthday last week and it's my birthday today and we both deserve this story. Happy birthday to us ♥

He was young the first time he saw Minseok, barely a kid waltzing out of his green years and into adulthood, all cheeky eye smiles, chapped lips and tousled curls. Baekhyun was nothing more than an intern in blue overalls tagging behind his assigned senior doctor. He carried a notebook, a pen and a sharp tongue to answer questions, fast and precise. He carried five years of medical school on his shoulders and sunshine in his pockets, tucked together with the candies he gave to the kids waiting at the hospital. One day, Baekhyun was going to be a pediatrician. He was going to wear a white coat and a warm smile and pluck candies from his pockets to give them to his own patients, together with a pat on their head, for being brave. That was Baekhyun's dream.

But, back then, Baekhyun was just an intern working at the hospital of his university and flirting with the nurses, flashing them blinding smiles and playful wing they would only pretend to find outrageous. Everyone loved Baekhyun.

Everyone loved Baekhyun, but Baekhyun didn't love everyone. He was young, the first time he saw Minseok, too young, still too wet behind the ears, still too caught up in his wild days and wildest nights, a cheerful alpha ready to explode like a baby in front of a fireworks show.

Baekhyun was young, but Minseok was not.

There were only two years between them, two years in which Minseok existed and Baekhyun did not, but Minseok was older than Baekhyun (for a moment Baekhyun thought Minseok was already older than he'd ever be able to be.) It made him feel like a fool, like a child, but a child in love. It put Baekhyun at a disadvantage, forced him to chase, to climb up, to mature enough to be good for this young old man with sad eyes.

Some people believe in love at first sight. Which is, in the end, just a nicer way to say that you've found a mate, that mother nature has been kind enough to throw your destiny in your arms in the form of the person that fits you the most in the entire world (except when, look, the irony, the person that fits you the most in the entire world has already found someone else that fit them more than you.) Baekhyun didn't believe in love at first sight. There was a time when he used not to believe in love at first sight. That time ended shattered in thousand little pieces, needles and thorns and glass shards, sharper than daggers and shining like diamonds, the day he met Kim Minseok in the busy, frantic Operation Room 3, during the birth of Minseok's first son.

Afterwards, Minseok won't really remember about Baekhyun. He'll remember the frenzy, the pain, the screams, the nurse going deathly pale and calling the doctor and the doctor cursing and calling for another doctor. Minseok will not remember the other two girls and that one boy who had gone into labor at the same time as him. They will tell him that there weren't any available doctors and that his case was the most urgent, that they needed to operate on him immediately and that the kid's health was in danger and that the intern they had chosen was well qualified and knew what he was doing. Minseok will sign a paper stating that he doesn't hold the hospital responsible for letting a simple intern assist on the surgery performed on him. (It goes quite well, in the end.)

What Minseok remembers is the confusion, the slow, dawning realization that the other doctor is wearing a blue vest so he's not a doctor he must be an intern he's an intern oh really I'm going to die even before I get to meet my son.

(Minseok doesn't die and his son doesn't die. The intern with the blue vest is the one who hands him his son, his Sehun, screaming his lungs out and kicking with his tiny little feet.)

Minseok will forget the name of that intern. He will think that he was too young to perform a surgery and that he looks too young to hold Minseok's baby. He tries not to think that he himself is not that much older than that intern.

Minseok has no idea of what to do with his life, with this baby, with an empty apartment and the pungent smell of Yifan's favorite smoke still lingering in the air, clinging to the old clothes. Minseok will leave the windows open until it goes away when he comes home; and if he doesn't, Minseok will simply look for a new house, a new life, a new beginning, with a tiny child who cries too much and shakes angry little fist at life in the hands of a beautiful stranger.

(Minseok will forget about Baekhyun. He'll forget his face and his voice and his smile for a few years, at least until Baekhyun will crash in his life again, overbearing, insistent, bright like a cloudless sky.)

Sehun, like every other kid in the world, doesn't remember the day of his birth.

He knows the stories, though. He knows the stories too well, and yet he asks his dad or his other dad to tell them again, at night, before he goes to sleep. They're his magic, his shield, his wards against the ghosts creeping from the corner of his room, staring at him from the ajar door of the closet with yellow eyes like slithers of moon. (Sehun is three, four, six years old, then ten years old and thirteen and sixteen and eigtheen. Sehun will marry one day, he'll be fighting the monsters for his son, secretly shivering at the thought of the ghost with yellow eyes like slithers of moon. Even then, he'll think of his dad's stories to calm down.)

Sehun begs for a story every night, but the story of how his parents met and fell in love is his favorite, the most favorite of all favorites.

Sehun knows, because he asked his dad many yimes, that Minseok met Baekhyun for the first time in Baekhyun's newly opened clinic, on a warm day of spring, the day of Sehun's fourth birthday. They drove there in a hurry, Minseok holding Sehun's hand tightly, like he never wanted to let go, his hands still dirty from the chocolate and the butter from Sehun's birthday cake. (Sehun doesn't remember the utter disaster that was Minseok trying to bake, he will never have to remember because Baekhyun was the one who baked it the next year, and the next, and the next. Baekhyun will bake him cake every year, even when Sehun is old enough to bake for his own kid.)

Minseok hastily told Baekhyun, the pediatrician, that the kid wasn't breathing well and he probably, definitely had a fever. Minseok bit his nails, ran chocolate-stained hands through his hair, and Baekhyun fell in love again. (But it was different, he was different, this time he was ready to fight for his crush. This time it was more than a crush.)

Sehun remembers that day clearly, like it was yesterday, Baekhyun's funny jokes and his warm, reassuring smile, a smile that can make the monsters go away. Baekhyun listened to his heartbeat, told him to cough, fished for candies from his pocket and gave him a bright orange lollipop with a caress on his hair, telling him how good he had been, how brave, don't worry Sehunnie, you will be alright soon.

That was the first time, according to Minseok. But Sehun has asked Baekhyun too, for hs side of the story, for his secrets. And a secret Baekhyun had told. The secret of his and Minseok's real first encounter.

Sehun will remembers the stories. They'll be his guiding lights, his beacon, the dices he'll roll when life becomes too difficult, too complicated, wrapped around him like a spider web of decisions he doesn't know how to make. When that happens, Sehun will look back at his parents' stories, at their loves and at their lives, at the shining examples they set for him. He'll fold everything, tiny and neat, at the back of his head, and he'll make his own choice. (He'll be his own person.)

But he'll never forget. How it started. His parents' story, his story, their story. Minseok's, Baekhyun's and Sehun's story.

It started, like many stories start, in the Operation Room of a hospital, with a birth.

(Baekhyun winks at Sehun, "You were the first newborn kid I've held in my life. You were tiny, you were red and ugly and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But don't tell your dad, he already thinks I'm an idiot for falling in love with him at first sight and waiting four long years before I made a move. Let's not tell him I fell in love with you before I fell in love with him.")

pairing: xiubaek, *fic:exo

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