baekyeol; I know it hurts to watch me bleeding

Sep 19, 2015 19:56

Title: I know it hurts to watch me bleeding
Rating: R
Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol
Wordcount: 2400~
Warning: people having sex, unbetaed
Disclaimer: EXO members and/or former members do not belong to me
Notes: this fic completely sucks and i don't care much because I LOVE WRITING SUPER USELESS FICLETS LIKE 0.001% QUALITY AND 10000% SELF-INDULGING ( Read more... )

pairing: baekyeol, *fic:exo, writing: baekyeolx30

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This is brittlepin who got banned from logging in anonymous September 20 2015, 04:31:58 UTC
For typing incorrect password over and over OTL
LJ told me to wait an hour before trying again BUT I CANT WAIT THAT LONG!!!

I knew typing from phone was gonna be a paaaaaiinnnn but I HAD TO.

Oh gosh this is beauty. I think i've been swallowed more by /magic/ than chanbaek. The idea of it being something so dangerous, so dark and consuming and YET having so many who're willing to let themselves be consumed, having schools errected for it fjsbskfhs!!! And then mage and warrior working together to vanquish evil, and their bodies covered by scars of what they do, of what they fight against every day.

This is such a beautiful world magic is a living thing fjwbJDHWBSKH!!!!¡¡ ü

And chanbaek chanbaek chanbaek it was perfect in this universe you build. Chanyeol's ponderings, both, from before baek and afterwards. And this haze of uncertainty that comes over you, wondering if the two will make it or part, b/c chanyeol is a sweetheart but baekhyun has bigger ambitions and WHY IS THE FUTURE UNCERTAIN FOR THIS PERF COUPLE!!!!¡

Idek what ive written but i hope it made sense. And pls keep sharing your self indulging ficlets b/c i can sell them on the black market.


RE: This is brittlepin who got banned from logging in aprilclash November 9 2015, 23:32:39 UTC
Dyris you pretty flower, I will always write self-indulging ficlets if you can be so cute after reading them bc I swear you're the cutest and your words are really inspiring and they make me so happy and ilu.

I've always thought about magic as something more than simply a power and this fic was born from a heacanon I've had since high school so I was really nervous, but I'm really glad you like it ♥


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