sechen fic dump

Jan 24, 2015 17:01

Title: I saw the eyes where Love resides
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Sehun/Jongdae
Wordcount: 1128 words
Warning: a/b/o, knotting, slight orgasm denial
Disclaimer: EXO members and/or former members do not belong to me
Notes: written for the goddess of sechen januarys-lovers because she wanted a sweet and fluffy goodnight drabble and i don't know what sweet and fluffy means. It's a kinda sequel for this fic, but it can be read as a standalone. Also, props to Guido Cavalcanti for the title and the quote, which come from his ‘Io vidi li occhi dove Amor si mise’ poem (don't ask me why I always title my sechen fics with Italian poems or songs).
Summary: Sehun has had enough of Jongdae's shyness in bed.

I saw the eyes where Love resides,
When he filled me with fearfulness,
Gazing at me as if I caused distress:
Then I say the heart was torn inside;

Jongdae feels the ground shatter under his soles when Sehun asks him, between needy kisses on his shoulders, following the outline of the vein on his neck to reach his jaw in a long, drawn out lick, to keep the lights on this time. At first he doesn’t understand, too lost in the hazy fog of pleasure, what Sehun is trying to say.

It’s only when Sehun pulls away from him, long enough to blindly palm the switch and bring light back into the room, that he realizes what his mate has asked him to do. He finds the answer in the clarity of Sehun’s eyes, the way they look at him, and oh god, he must be such a mess, with perspiration plastering hair to his forehead, flaming cheeks and lost eyes. So vulnerable, so omega.

He squirms away from Sehun’s hold, hands instinctively finding the blanket to cover his body, but Sehun stops him.

It’s not often that Sehun uses his alpha voice with Jongdae. He usually doesn’t need to, Jongdae is smitten enough to spoil him whenever he can, but this. Oh, this is new, undiscovered territory. Dangerous territory.

“I want to see you, hyung,” says Sehun, his voice an arrow through Jongdae’s flesh, straight to the heart. “I want to see the faces you make, I want to see what I do to you.”

Jongdae doesn’t want to be seen as he’s helpless and wanting in Sehun’s arms. He wants Sehun to know his smile, wants to be known when he’s at his best, forever in love with Sehun’s voice and his hands and his tender eyes. But here, under the harsh scrutiny of the electric lamp, Sehun can see other things. His irises swallowed by the black of arousal, his ass leaking, so weak, so omega, so in love with Sehun’s cock.

“I love you,” Sehun confesses, like it’s the first time, like it’s the last time. Like it’s the only time. “I love all of you, Jongdae. Let me see you.”

His hand is not strong on Jongdae’s wrist, but as light as the touch of butterfly’s wings. It’s his voice, though, hard as steel, laced with sex. Jongdae has never had an alpha ordering him around because Sehun is always so careful, so polite, so hyung, we can stop if you don’t want this, hyung, tell me if it hurts, hyung I love you.

“Hyung,” he says again, unfazed by Jongdae’s lack of response, and his voice tugs at Jongdae’s chest, at his hips, makes him clench in desperation around nothing because Sehun is still too far away.

“Sehunnie,” he begs, he’s not above begging if it gets him what he wants, “Sehunnie, please.”

And under the light, he can see the effect of his pleading on Sehun, the way his eyes become dark and predatory, the twitch of his hands as he tries desperately not to spread Jongdae’s legs and take him there. But Sehun, showing an uncommon self-control for such a young, inexperienced alpha, simply rolls away from him and settles on the bed, looking at Jongdae expectantly.

“Sehunnie, I can’t do this, I really can’t.”

“Yes, hyung, you can. Come here.”

He hesitates, biting his lip, hoping that Sehun will break and drag him down and kiss him. Sehun doesn’t and Jongdae’s body burns from the want.

“Come here, hyung.”

Tentatively, Jongdae crawls on his boyfriend’s lap. Sehun helps him, keeps him steady as he lowers himself until Sehun’s cock is sliding inside him with a lewd, wet sound that makes Sehun incredibly horny and Jongdae incredibly ashamed. It doesn’t last long, though, because the sensation is different, the angle is different, and Jongdae’s breath catches when he realizes that all the pleasure he’s ever been ashamed to ask for is there, for him to take. He drags his hips down, not knowing if he’s trying to fight the invasion of Sehun’s cock or welcoming it inside. He just knows that it feels incredibly intense and all at once, the gravity pushing him down, his own legs pushing him up in the quest for pleasure, more pleasure, and the slide of in-and-out is loud and slick, searing hot against his insides.

Jongdae fucks himself on Sehun’s cock until his thighs are quivering and his hands are so unsteady on his boyfriend’s shoulder that he almost topples over, but Sehun’s hands keep him there, anchored to his body, until Jongdae is sure he’s dying from the sharp intensity of their mating.

He looks down at Sehun, who’s trembling from the effort of keep still, because he wants to see Jongdae fall prey to his lower instincts, and biting his lips to block his cries, and only then he realizes that the loud moans he can hear beyond the buzz of pleasure and the drums of his crazy heart, are his own.

He’s too exposed, too naked, in the light of the room and the silence only broken by his needy cries, and he can’t stop himself, he can’t slow down the crazy, needy rhythm of his hips, nor muffle the moans that spill freely from his mouth. So he closes his eyes, because if he can’t see Sehun he doesn’t have to remember that Sehun can see him.

Sehun stops him.

“No,” he warns, his voice like liquid lead on Jongdae’s skin. “No, Jongdae, open your eyes.”

He shakes his head, like a stubborn child. He’s so close, who cares about Sehun’s freaky control kink, but Sehun is not having any of this shit today. His hand creeps on Jongdae’s thigh and brushes on his cock, giving him the sweet illusion of a quick release, before gripping the base and preventing him from coming.

Jongdae trashes and yelps, but Sehun is unrelenting.

“Open your eyes, Jongdae, or I won’t let you come.”

It’s the order of an alpha hidden pronounced with the voice of a lover and Jongdae can’t refuse. He opens his eyes wide and ha gazes at Sehun beyond the curtain of tears that are blurring his pupils. He watches Sehun coming undone under him, inside him, until the onslaught of sensation pushes his body over the edge. Sehun pushes him down, helps him ride the last waves of orgasm with quick, shallow thrusts that bring his swollen knot against Jongdae’s erection and make him mewl.

“You’ve been so good, hyung, so perfect for me,” he hears Sehun murmur afterwards. Jongdae wants to beam, wants to purr in delight, he feels so proud that he made his Sehun happy. But he also feels so sleepy and impossibly warm, with Sehun’s knot still fitting so snugly inside him. He leans his head against Sehun’s chest and lets the slow, hypnotic beating of Sehun’s heart lulls him to sleep.

Title: //
Rating: R
Pairing: Sehun/Jongdae (past!chinguline, past!chenxing, past!sekai)
Wordcount: 2.5k~
Warning: frottage on a kitchen table
Disclaimer: EXO members and/or former members do not belong to me
Notes: I can't find a title for this fic. I can't. I swear, I tried. Whatever. Untitled. Written a few months ago for baeklights ♥♥♥
Summary: Thieves!au where Jongdae is jealous of his own brother.

When Baekhyun said he would’ve sent one of his best kids to help them with the gig, Jongdae wasn’t expecting his little brother, Jongin, to show up at his doorstep.

“Are you kidding me?” he shouts on the phone, already picturing Baekhyun’s exasperated eye roll in his mind. The defeated sigh doesn’t wait too much to arrive. He knows Baekhyun well enough to know that he’s just woken up, and according to today’s newspaper it must have been hell yesterday night at the Plaza. Someone almost got caught, it seems. Jongdae doesn’t know who, or how, or why; he’s only sure that Baekhyun’s last night was shit and right now he’s also sure that Baekhyun deserves it. “Are you gone crazy? Do you even realize what you’re doing?”

“Jongdae,” Baekhyun’s voice is raspy, with the slightest hint of a beg. At least it’s not a warning, or a threat. Yet.

Jongdae scoffs, even if his more rational part screams he should stop. Baekhyun can become quite violent, especially at seven in the morning the day after a gig. Especially if someone got hurt. Even more so if that someone is Chanyeol or Kyungsoo.

“You needed an extra hand, and a good one. You never told me there was some extra requirement form I needed to check before I chose the right person. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that you sent me my boyfriend’s ex boyfriend, that’s the problem. You could’ve sent anyone, but no, you must be the manipulative cunt, you must mess into other people’s private lives and gain pleasure from it, right?”

“Jongdae…” he can start to feel the edge in Baekhyun’s voice now, pointy and hard like a steel blade.

“I get it, you never liked the fact that I decided to leave, but that’s not a good reason to sabotage my relationship with Sehun.”

“Jongdae, I’m not up and ready to put a bullet into your thick head just because I’m tired, both Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are hurt and you’re my friend, but if you…”

“I don’t care if you guys managed to mess up and one of your bitches almost ended up in jail, but you can’t try to sink my team only because yours sucks,” he snarls, not even worrying to keep his voice low enough for Jongin and Sehun not to hear him now. He’s way past the point of caring.

“You’re an ungrateful, little piece of shit, Kim Jongdae! If you don’t like Jongin, you can send him back, you can do whatever the hell you want but never call me again, go to hell!”

The beeping sound of an empty line fills his ears, and he crumples on the ground, hugging his knees. Baekhyun has never hanged up on him. Not like this. Now he also feels like crap.

His phone beeps, an incoming message from Chanyeol.

-we’re not his bitches he’s our bitch-

He laughs, despite the anger. Another beep. This time from Kyungsoo.

-You two are impossible. You better apologize when he wakes up. And treat your brother well, or we’ll tell Joonmyeon.-

He’s tempted to answer that he’s not scared of Joonmyeon, he’s learnt to kick Joonmyeon’s ass since they were four and five, but Kyungsoo beats him.

-We’ll tell Minseok. We will, Kim Jongdae. Treat the damn kid well, and fuck you.-

Oh, wonderful. He only needed to receive some kind of verbal abuse and a threat for today to be perfect.

Between his brothers, Joonmyeon may be a pussy, but Minseok is not. Anyway, it’s better to keep his family out of his love life, which would be wonderful if only his youngest brother wasn’t now sitting on the couch with his former boyfriend and best friend, now Jongdae’s boyfriend.

Right when he thinks that there’s no way this morning could be worse, he receives a last, mocking message from Chanyeol. Even when he’s bleeding to death and wanted by half the policemen in Seoul (the other half wants him for more prosaic, sexual reasons), he still manages to be obnoxious. Park Chanyeol, whore extraordinaire and lousy best friend, ladies and gentlemen.

-you may have a boyfriend, but you’re still our bitch too-

After reflecting on the meaning of life for thirty minutes, Jongdae comes back to the other room, where Sehun and Jongin are already studying the blueprints of the jeweller they’re supposed to rob.

He doesn’t even look at Jongin as he speaks.

“So, I supposed you’re here to stay, little brother” he says, forcing a smile on his lips. “Baekhyun said there’s no one else.”

“I know,” Jongin replies, “I’m the best. I won’t let you down, hyung.”

He turns towards Sehun, patting his arm, and Jongdae sees red.

“Also, I’m really excited to work with my best friend again. It’s been three years, right? The gig in Busan.”

When Sehun smiles, his eyes almost disappear, becoming little crescents of moon. That’s Jongdae’s special smile, but only now he realizes that Jongin must have seen it too, back when they were together.

“You’re right! It’s been too much, Kkamjjong,” answers Sehun, and out of his lips the sound of Jongin’s pet name, a name that everyone else uses and that has never annoyed Jongdae until now, sounds familiar and affectionate. “We were still together then.”

It’s too much, too much for Jongdae. But really, it’s nothing. Sehun and Jongin broke up years ago, Sehun and Jongdae started dating years ago. It’s just a little bit of catching up between two old friends, the fact that they have such a history together is just a coincidence and it doesn’t bother anyone. It surely doesn’t bother them, judges Jongdae, there’s no awkwardness between the two boys. But it bothers him.

“Excuse me, I have to call Yixing for our cover.”

Talking to Yixing is a balm for Jongdae’s nervousness. Yixing could make you believe that the sky is red even when the sky above your head is blue, no mistake. It’s the way he talks, so distracting, it puts people under a spell. Yixing and Jongdae had a brief story, after Jongdae left Baekhyun’s lair of darkness and the morbid hands of Kyungsoo, the arms of Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s potty mouth.

The thing with Yixing didn’t last, but it helped him to take a breath of oxygen after he ran away from the suffocating air of Baekhyun’s flat. And then, Sehun. Like a car wreck, Jongin’s best friend jumped in front of Jongdae’s eyes. A gig, two gigs, Baekhyun grumpily telling Jongdae that they wouldn’t last. Sex. Lots of sex. Successful jobs. More sex. Sehun getting drunk and confessing to Jongdae while they played Mass Effect, before running to the bathroom to puke in the toilet.

And now Jongin is sitting in Jongdae’s chair, drinking milk and chocolate from Jongdae’s favourite mug and talking with Jongdae’s favourite person about how they used to be one mind, soul and body.

Jongdae knows that admitting to have a problem is the beginning of the solution. His problem though, is not being jealous, but having sweet, fucking pretty Jongin around, with his infuriating, carefree laugh and his guns and the air of someone who wakes up in the morning ready to be fucked.

When he comes back in the room they’re laughing, together Jongin’s newly dyed blonde head against Sehun’s dark hair. Jongdae feels a vague sense of déjà vu, remembering how it used to be the contrary back when they were dating. Jongin’s brown mop and Sehun’s almost white, bleached hair.

His brother looks at him with a guilty expression, almost expecting to be scolded for the inopportune closeness to Sehun’s smile, but Jongdae has different plans.

“Do you want something to eat?” he asks, talking to Jongin and extending the invitation to Sehun with a nod, “Chinese? Greek? Or there’s the new burger place, the one you wanted to try…”

Now Sehun is also looking at him as he’s out of his mind. Ok, he throws a tantrum here and then when girls giggle while looking at Sehun’s ass, and he almost bit Zitao’s hand off when his friend patted Sehun’s butt the first time they met. Jongdae does not have a problem with jealousy, he’s just… jealous. But it’s a bit offending that both his brother and boyfriend expect him to mistreat Jongin just because he happens to be the last person he wants to see right now.

“Don’t tell me you guys want chicken, please, we already ate it three days ago, Sehun-ah.”

They exchange a nervous glance, before Sehun speaks, “Chinese is good.”

“Ok,” he smiles, “now let’s take a look at those blueprints. I want the plan to be ready for Thursday, I was thinking to go there and gauge the situation with my own eyes.”

They sit in a circle, and Jongdae doesn’t even ask Jongin to move his sorry ass from his chair. He falls in the place next to Sehun instead, leaning over his boyfriend to have a better look at the maps on the table. He inhales Sehun’s body soap and the milk and chocolate that he must have sipped from Jongin’s cup. A sick, poisonous sense of possession settles in his stomach. He doesn’t’ even know what he’s saying to the two boys, he’s only aware that he’s still smiling his sweetest and fakest smile as he says it. In the meanwhile, his left hand slides down Sehun’s side to rest on his hip.

Sehun doesn’t react.

Jongin doesn’t see and Jongdae doesn’t want him to see. He doesn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. But he’s annoyed, bordering on furious every time Jongin’s hand brushes against Sehun as he points to the secondary exit on the blueprints.

The hand on Sehun’s hip moves, caressing his arm and stopping for the fleeting space of a heartbeat on the wrist, long enough to feel the flutter of blood under his fingers, before he points to the map.

“What about that camera?” he asks, “Can you shut it down, Sehunnie?”

He leans back, so that the last word is a blow on Sehun’s ear, and this time Sehun shivers.

“Yes, I think I can.”

His tone is suspicious, his eyes even more, but Jongdae doesn’t meet them. He’s too busy asking Jongin something about the alarm system. Sehun’s voice is airy when he talks, probably because he can’t ignore the weight of Jongdae’s hand on his knee.

“I think we should do it right after midnight.”

Jongin hums, “I can ask Joonmyeon-hyung to set something for us, I don’t know, a car crash? To distract the police, if something goes wrong the alarm rings anyway.”

“It’s a wonderful idea,” comments Jongdae, flashing a blinding, encouraging smile in reply to Jongin’s embarrassed ones. Sehun’s breath is a bit heavier now, as Jongdae’s hand climbs up his leg, tickling his crotch.

The trick here is trying not to be too obvious. If he does, he’ll come out as desperate. Just a little touch here and there, to feel Sehun squirm and give him a taste of Jongdae’s warmth on his skin. It’s not important that Jongin understands what’s happening, Jongdae is aiming for Sehun's attention right now.

Jongin blabs something about equipment, and Jongdae’s finger press on the bulge in his boyfriend’s pants, on his hardening cock. Sehun’s eyes flash in anger this time, but before he can grab Jongdae’s wrist, or even ask what’s happening, the doorbell rings.

“Oh,” chirps Jongdae, “pizza!”

He jumps off the chair, feet blindly looking for the slippers on the wet floor, but Sehun grabs his sleeve. The line of his jaw is rigid.

“I think Jongin can take this,” he says, and to Jongdae’s surprise his voice is calm where his hold on Jongdae’s arm is tight. Jongin doesn’t realize something is off, he just gets up, complaining about Sehun’s lazy ass.

Jongin is out of the door when Sehun spins Jongdae around and slams him on the table, in a bed of blueprints and drafts.

“Be careful hyung, you’re playing a dangerous game.”

“I like dangerous games. I like even more to see you fumble and stutter because I’m the one touching you. Not my stupid brother.”

Sehun’s fingers - so big, Jongdae likes to choke on them while Sehun fucks him - linger on his face, a mere breath from his open mouth. If he licked his lips now, he’d lick Sehun’s fingers too, and the thought is wild and desperate in his mind.

In the other room, Jongin is asking how much the pizza is. Sehun cards his hand in Jongdae’s hair, pulling to expose his neck and mouth at the vein he finds there. “So you were jealous, after all.” He’s so smug and satisfied, Jongdae wants to punch him, but Sehun pulls even more on his hair and he can’t restrain a moan.

“Careful there, hyung, the delivery boy may hear you if you’re this loud. Maybe I should put my hand in your mouth the way you like best, to trap all the sounds there. You like when thrust my fingers down your throat, right?”

“I’m gonna bite your finger off, you wanker.”

They hear laughs coming from the threshold. Is Jongin flirting with the pizza boy? Jongdae doesn’t mind, because Sehun, the little fucker, really shoves his fingers in his mouth, and Jongdae’s throat convulses around them. He closes his legs around Sehun, pushing him down with his heels until they’re rutting against each other. Sehun moans against his neck, and Jongdae chokes around his fingers. They’re so engrossed in each other that they don’t even realize…

“Guys, what the hell!” Jongin stares at them, frozen on the doorstep with warm pizza on a hand and his wallet in the other. “Not only my brother is dating my ex, now you also have to show me?”

Sehun bites on Jongdae’s neck and Jongin wails in embarrassment.

“I can’t believe it, I’m still right here, you know?”

Jongdae wants to tell his brother to go away, but he can only drool on Sehun’s hand and thrust his hips up with a desperation that borders on pathetic. He’s so hard.

“Jongin, just go away,” growls Sehun, and after that they hear the door slamming behind him.
Sehun finally frees Jongdae’s mouth, only to kiss him. He keeps him pinned down, one hand in his hair, the other, still slick with Jongdae’s spit, on his jaw.

“I like when you’re jealous,” he says.

Jongdae traps Sehun’s lip in his teeth when he tried to put some distance between their mouths. Sehun has him trapped, pinned down, unable to move, but he can still keep Sehun with him, he can force him down with the hold of his legs on Sehun’s body and the charm of his gasping, open mouth.

“My brother stays for this gig,” he pants, Sehun’s mouth licking his jugular, “then I want him gone. And stop flirting with him.”
“I wasn’t-”

“Oh Sehun, shut up and fuck me.”

pairing: sechen, *fic:exo

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